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Dadgum Fleas!

What do you do for fleas ON THE DOG? Thanks in advance.

Re: Dadgum Fleas!

One word ADMIRE

Re: Dadgum Fleas!

Admire for fleas, and Purple Python cattle tags for ticks. No ticks or fleas at all!!!!! Reapply about every two to three months for both. Make sure the admire is put under the hair and on the skin, if its just on the hair it won't work.

Re: Dadgum Fleas!

Where do you find admire?

Re: Dadgum Fleas!

Speeddogs front page, High Speed Hound Supplies.

Re: Dadgum Fleas!

I use bayer complete insect. I put 6 to 8 cc on the dogs and i spary the pens twice a week. For two weeks straight. This stuff works great. No fleas or ticks. I have not have any fleas or ticks in 2 1/2 years. When you put the bayer on the dogs it takes 5 to 10 mins, to kill the fleas and ticks. Every 30days put 6 to 88 cc.

Re: Dadgum Fleas!

Mr. Joey,
Is that the concentrate formula? Where do you put it on the dogs? Thank you sir.

Re: Dadgum Fleas!

U can put cedar shavings & moth balls around ur pen & wet them down. Fleas will leave there.

Re: Dadgum Fleas!

How much admire?

Re: Dadgum Fleas!

1 cc. Put a couple of drops on the skin side of each ear and fold the ear in half and massage it in real good so it will absorb into the skin and then put the rest starting at the shoulders push the hair back and make sure it gets to the skin, then go down the backbone pushing the hair back and putting a drop or two against the skin all the way to the root of the tail.

Re: Dadgum Fleas!

6-8cc bayer straight or mixed?

Re: Dadgum Fleas!

Just put the bayer on straight