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sore losers

It is a crying shame when grown men go to a hunt and don't do as well as expected with thier dogs and then spread rumors to any and everybody about cheating amongst judges and pen owners because they are not happy with the outcome of the hunt.
Not all dogs are going to do as well at every hunt at every pen!!
When your dogs is used to cutting, and they can't cut at a particular pen because it is too thick, that is not the judges cheating!!
You have to take the fair and honest losses with the fair and honest wins. Whether it is your win or your loss.
Crybabies and bad sports need to go back to the play ground!! Just saying!!

Re: sore losers

Youre right about one thing Porterhouse, crybabies and bad sports need to stay at home but dont think that it does not go on. I would be willing to bet ya that you have left many ya self crying and whinning bout somebody cheated or something wasnt done right when you felt slighted.. Its sad but it's just the world we live in and hopefully it will get better before worse!!!

Re: sore losers

LongHorn, you are right. I have felt slighted and FELT that there was some sort of cheating a few times. However, I have never tried to spread rumors of such and damage someones name and hard earned reputation.
I have been a dog owner and fox hunter for more than 25 years, but it seems that the brotherhood is getting to be petty and self centered. I have always been congratulatory to those that win and place. I have always supported my fellow fox hunters, not try to bring them down. We should all support each other and the sport that we all love and enjoy.
It is a competitive sport that I love, but one that has had it's negativity brought on by people on the outside. We certainly don't need it from within our inner circle. Even if it is about petty and selfish attitudes.

Re: sore losers

i do want to say that there are many honest and good sportsmen in our field of sport. to those that are HONEST, FAIR, AND GOOD NATURED, I, for one, appreciate each and every one of you. good luck to you in your endeavours in this field of sport.

Re: sore losers

AMEN to that Porterhouse