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Extra Incentive for This Years Jr. National Participants

The Masters will be offering a hand and some recognition to this yrs. Jr. Nat'l winners. To the Bench Show Winners and the Field Champions, we will be inviting you to this yrs. Masters Banquet, where you will enjoy a free supper, be recognized in front of some of the top hunters in the country, and recieve some awards. The Banquet will be held the 3rd week in March in Crystal Springs, Miss.
From the Masters Corp. good luck to you kids in your up coming hunt.

Re: Extra Incentive for This Years Jr. National Participants

Steve I cant say enough on how much I appericate the Masters corp. doing this for our hunt. I would personally like to say thanks to Steve and anyone who else decided to do this for the hunt. I hope we can keep doing this year after year and make this hunt for the kids bigger. Because as we all know there the future of this sport we all love and know. Thanks once again for the support yall are given us.