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Has The computer hurt or helped our sport.

Ok hear we go lets hear it.
I know its nice to have the scores done and out in a hour.
But has it made a judge less strict on the hounds. I have seen hunts where 400 hounds entered and 80 or less finish. So has it made the judges give hounds chances that they would have never given before.

Re: Has The computer hurt or helped our sport.

Why would that make a judge give A hound more chances either a A hound screws up or he doesnt

Re: Has The computer hurt or helped our sport.

I dont see where it has hurt the sport but what does hurt the sport is no names talking BS on the computer about dumb stuff and iam not talking about your question.It should not have anything to do with judging in the field.

Re: Has The computer hurt or helped our sport.

AMEN !!!!!! Hillbilly

Re: Has The computer hurt or helped our sport.

The biggest thing to hurt our sport is all the money hunts!!!!

Re: Has The computer hurt or helped our sport.

It has brought more attention to hunting with hounds and field trials. The anti folks can now get in a computer and read all about it. used to ne out of sight , out of mind. I think it has hurt. YouTube, especially.

Re: Has The computer hurt or helped our sport.

I'm with Jason.

Re: Has The computer hurt or helped our sport.

Whats the diff.then horse raceing thats more money then we have or buying lotto tickets thats just as bad to me i dont win on them so thats bad what we need to do is the old way i run on my land an they can do what they wont on there land.

Re: Has The computer hurt or helped our sport.

The computer scoring program that the Masters uses is the best thing ever devised. It is accurate and it saves time. Just ask the judges if they like it. I suppose some judges will say they don't like it but when you hear a judge make that statement, ask yourself, why did that judge make that statement.

Money has not made the sport less honest. Use your own experiences in life. A cheater is going to cheat. It could be for chocolate footballs, politics, church, tic-tac-toe or turnip greens. Brother, a cheater is no more than a skunk. Get'em out of the hen house.

A few months ago I attended a hunt where I met a skunk protector. I'm not going to name the hunt or the protector. Some of you heard what I did. This is not a quote by any means (He was not going to judge again until the skunks were let back in the hen house.)

Re: Has The computer hurt or helped our sport.

What has hurt our sport is all the no name post that get on here at every hunt i go to somebody cheated for somebody it will be all over the computer someone acusing someone of cheating and it is always a no name poster this is why is getting so hard to get judges in this aspect the computer is hurting our sport more alot more than it is helping it that is just my opinion!!! S.R.

Re: Has The computer hurt or helped our sport.

The computer program for a hunt is the best thing that could happen for most judges. Sure beats sitting in a room for hours calling numbers and breaking scores.
Ther has been too much negative posts that has hurt the sport.

Re: Has The computer hurt or helped our sport.

As far as figuring scores the computer has helped our sport but figuring scores is not what i was talking about! S.R.

Re: Has The computer hurt or helped our sport.

The computer is great as far as saving time to figure the scores. However, the information in the computer is only as good as the judges that are out there working hard to get the scores. Judging isn't easy work - it's a thankless job too at times. Yes, I feel the computer has helped our hunts.

The problem is the negativity and the folks that want to sit back and acuse folks "using a fake name" but don't have the guts to take a stand and tell the right person, etc. to try to get the matter resolved.

Situations will arise in any sport or organization but let's all grow up and handle it the right way. Sadly, you couldn't pay me to judge right now.

Re: Has The computer hurt or helped our sport.

is great for speed and drive hunts, can pick up scores hourly, and done not long after hunt is called.