
Official Website of the Foxhunters Hall of Fame

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Derby Hunts in Darlington

Will there be any derby hunts at darlington in the near future??

Re: Derby Hunts in Darlington

It is very possible there will be some.Darlington is making a comeback and will hold several nice hunts in the future.Hope everyone comes and enjoys the competition.

Re: Derby Hunts in Darlington

It is very possible there will be some.Darlington is making a comeback and will hold several nice hunts in the future.Hope everyone comes and enjoys the competition.

I would like to see a pack or pairs hunt, where the hunt must own all the dogs. Maybe even a litter hunt or at least off sme stud dog?

Re: Derby Hunts in Darlington

Jimmie I would like to see a pairs hunt where the pairs would have to be Litter Mates. Also a pack hunt of three hounds where they have to be mates.Would not necessarily have to be owned by same man but must be Littermates or Full mates