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LA-200 ?

got a dog with a toe nail that is infected. how much and is this a good antibiotic for a 50lb dog

Re: LA-200 ?

ciprofloxacin pills is the best,then doxcycline pills,if you have to use la 200,no more than 1cc in one injection site,it will make the muscle sore,or even abbsess it,the preservative in it, cause the problem. I use the big muscle in the back of the back leg,and then the other. good luck

Re: LA-200 ?

I give up to 2cc per day. good huntin

Re: LA-200 ?

dont give it in the muscle you will have more problems than a sore toenail ceprofloxin or cephelexin if u us la 200 give it orally 2cc 4days

Re: LA-200 ?

la 200 is not what you need.its more for bronchial respitory infections. cephalexin combined with a cc of dex for a short while should fix your problem but the toenail need to be yanked if its loose or it will never heal. any loose particles will also keep it infected.if you pull the nail stuff the hole with a gauze full of iodine and wrap it for a couple days

Re: LA-200 ?

Good post Danny I personally feel la 200 makes a great Target for a 17 hmr.as posted cepholexin or doxocyclene?? Is great choice I feel to many depend on 200 and for the price I would get a shovel and dig a hole the results would be better.

Re: LA-200 ?

whats the thinking on dex, steroids stops the healing process if you load a dog up on steroids it will tear his immune system down. they will get staff infections etc.

Re: LA-200 ?

Potlicker if I have a hound he has a wound bad or is injuried I use dex along with any of the antibiotics listed above except 200

Re: LA-200 ?

la 200 is all i had when i posted this. the box said broad spectrum on it. looks like i am going to have to pull the nail. whats the best way to do it?

Re: LA-200 ?

havent noticed that potlicker. if anything it accelerates the process when you use it for what its designed for. i hardly ever give more than a cc to a grown dog.