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Round Mtn Alvin???

What tha pups like???? Y'all Like em or not???

Re: Round Mtn Alvin???

I have a litter that is 12 months old now they are jamming right now i think you want be disappointed.

Re: Round Mtn Alvin???

The pups I saw off him run in Kentucky were sure nice dogs. I can't remember for sure how many placed off him in that hunt but I know it was several and they were eye catching good moving dogs I def wouldn't be scared to breed to him.

Re: Round Mtn Alvin???

Personally, thats the 1st dog i would breed to right now! Had many dogs off of him, all tough as u can get and very quick

Re: Round Mtn Alvin???

How is this hound bred and where Is he located?

Re: Round Mtn Alvin???

....East Coast Dylan
....Fannie Jt (someday)

Owner is Gordon Sexton
Location is Delrio Tn

Can help out on anymore info on pups or Alvin!!!

Re: Round Mtn Alvin???

Tough but not much speed or up to par unless you are gonna go hunt where the big boys aren't!