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Running info for Holden North Fox Pen

As of today, there will be no more "open" mornings only for puppies due to lack of intrest. Call me to book pen for any mornings. Cast will be no later than 5:00am and can be earlier upon request. I won't put any more than 40 dogs in pen at a time throughout the summer. Got plenty of game and have been having great running. Thanks to everyone who has been running and respecting my pen and my camp. It has been kept very clean and I really appreciate it! Thanks! Call me for booking info at 985-320-0867.

Re: Running info for Holden North Fox Pen

Is it my understanding that you are now booking the pen for morning running of puppies only, or will we be allowed to run derby or older dogs in the morning?

Re: Running info for Holden North Fox Pen

Yes you can run old dogs you just can't show up you have to call Jo Jo first to either book the pen or see if there are any spots available and what age is being ran the morning you want to go

Re: Running info for Holden North Fox Pen

Thanks Kelli. I'm sorry, I didn't make myself very clear. The pen is open for running any age dogs, including puppies or grown dogs. I had Thursday mornings set aside for only puppies, but I am doing away with that because of lack of interest. If you would like to run on any mornings, just call me, and I will make sure it won't be over crowded. I can handle a lot more than 40 dogs in my pen, but that's the number I am going to stay at all through the summer because I feel that's the best move for my game. Thanks.