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Crying Range Round One - My Take

Well, guess many of yall have been waiting on what BS i might have to say about our get together yesterday, so here it is!! First, let me say that we had a good crowd of hunters and an even better crowd of derby dogs!! We had excellent running and a great time. Just because the atmosphere was competitive, doesn't mean everyone wasn't a good sport and a gentleman while hunting. I've known Hunter Joiner for close to 20 years and believe me we are competitive with each other, but many there, it was our first time to hunt together and I truly enjoyed each of you coming.
Now, to the running. As i said, there were many excellent young hounds there. Every hunter there had something that could run and I saw that. Every hunter there had crossings from one time to another, and that's fact! Too many people like to see what they want to see and not always what is actually happening in all aspects. But, like it or not, I see what is going on and pay attention to EVERYONE'S hounds, not just mine and not just the first dog. These days too many don't simply pay attention to anything past the fist dog. That allows hunters to miss what i consider one of the most important qualities of a good hound and that is CONSISTENCY!!
I read all those BS no name posts and i laugh. Rizzo this and Rizzo that. i've watched her run several times and i think think she was as good a puppy as i've seen run in a long time, but she's not a puppy now and it may not always be the same as running with the pups. I'm not picking on her as she ran good yesterday, i saw that with my own eyes, but she didn't by far dominate anything, sorry Bubba and Andy that's the way i saw it and I saw a ton of crossings!!! In her defense, i didn't see any dog there that dominated, but did see some doing better than others. As i stated earlier, alot of dogs from everyone had crossings, but they were not always consistent. I didn't see all of mine running great either, but they did get their part. I agree with Hunter's assessment as both he and I saw a bunch and payed close attention to ALL the dogs, not just ours or the first dogs. Two of his and a couple of mine had as many crossings as any others and were probably the most CONSISTENT.
I know many of you just hunted with me for the first time, so let me clue you in on some things. I don't have the best dogs, or the fastest or ones that get alot of first place crossings, BUT i don't keep sorry hounds, they will get their part and they are pretty consistent. I may not outrun many, but i promise you, i'm no push over either!!! I enjoyed hunting with each of you and i'm by no means talking to anyone in particular, just setting the record straight for all of the no name posters that are scared to get in the woods and choose to hunt on here!!

I again, commend on all of you having some dogs that can flat out run. If you want to hunt with me again, all you have to do is ask. If not, see you at a field trial soon!!

Re: Crying Range Round One - My Take

I know I wrote all of that stuff above, but truth is, it doesn't really matter. Most important was that a bunch of hunters that don't normally hunt together, got together. We cooked and ate sausage, cut up with each other and all enjoyed some excellent summer time running and that my friends is what it's all about!! If that is not what it's about for you, then I really don't care to hunt with you. Good hunting to all!

Re: Crying Range Round One - My Take

Cary Don, it was a pleasure to meet you and to hunt with you. There were some good dogs there with excellent running and it was a lot of fun and yep I agree with you thats what its all about. See you on the 21st.....

Re: Crying Range Round One - My Take

Mr.Tom, it was my pleasure to run and meet you and Chad. I also want to say thanks for staying after y'alls dogs were caught and helping me gather up the rest of mine. See you guys in a couple weeks.

Re: Crying Range Round One - My Take

The only thing could have made it better would have been if I could have been there. Lol. Good to see y'all had a great time. I know Big Jim did.

Re: Crying Range Round One - My Take

Cary Don sounds like all of you had a great time with some real good hounds and I agree that is what it is all about. You stated something in your post I would like to commend you for. You said that you look for consistency in a hound and not necessary being 1st in the crossing. Cary Don you look for the same qualities in a good hound that I do no matter who he belongs to. Just wanted to tell you that and good hounds and good fellowship is what it is all about. Lot of good hounds today and competion is as strong as I have ever seen it. Glad all of you had a good time and good runing. Good luck and good hunting to all of you.

Re: Crying Range Round One - My Take

Thanks Mr. Rodney, won whole lot more hunts with solid, consistent hounds than with show out dogs. Matter of fact, just won hunt at Shelbyville with young gyp and she didn't have 1 single first place crossing on the score sheet printed out, how's that for consistent? Lol

Re: Crying Range Round One - My Take

CD and Hunter i hope yall dont think i posted any of that that b/s.We had a blast hunting with every one of yall hell all i saw was smoke from the bbq pit and some crossings up front.When that many good hounds are in one spot its worth watching,ours needed to get jerked on and they did time will tell.

Re: Crying Range Round One - My Take

The only thing I know is I want ride with trey no more

Re: Crying Range Round One - My Take

I know that Andy I had a blast and we will do it again before the hunt my big headed buddy knows I like messing with him. And I talked to Brandon yesterday and he still had the nervous shakes from riding with trey lol

Re: Crying Range Round One - My Take

Man come on big Andy and Hunter y'all act like y'all or ready to make love well come on and I'll leave the light on for ya ha ha ha

Re: Crying Range Round One - My Take

Hell I didn't drive around to much , next time y'all both can ride with Kelly lol

Re: Crying Range Round One - My Take