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Garmin Help

First, let me say that i am a big fan of the GPS systems!! I have a Astro 220 & 320 with 11 collars for almost 2 years now. I have been, i guess, fortunate because i have not had many of the negative issues that i read others have had. Overall, mine i have been good with the occasional hiccup. No matter what or where they have always seemed to be working top notch when dog catching time came.

Now, here comes the help. In the last 4-5 weeks i have been experiencing some continuous problems or issues. I have spoken with others all over and many of them are having the same issues. When i go hunting, no matter where, i turn my collars on and everything is working like normal. Then after about 3 hours, every collar, all 11, just lose signal and don't come back. After a couple more hours some come back or when i catch a dog, the collar comes back on in a few minutes. At first I thought this was an antenna problem, but changed some and still happening. I then updated both my systems and all my collars, which most were current anyhow, and the problem is still there.
When i look at the dog collar info screen, it shows "full communication" and 2 bars on the GPS signal, on every collar!!
Can anyone tell me how to fix this problem? Too much coincidence that many people are having the same EXACT problem. Is this a satellite problem?
I did hunt with the first person yesterday that was not having this issue and can't explain why. Any help is greatly appreciated!!

Re: Garmin Help

i have one and i started havin the same problems and you got a cord with the garmin plug it up to a computer and go on garmin site and its should say up grade and it should do it if not send it all back to garmin and they should fix it

Re: Garmin Help

Is it doing it with both the 320 and 220?

Re: Garmin Help

I have had the same problem here in michigan. I have had them since the original dc 20 and stayed up on the upgrades to the 30 and 40 collars.Never had a bit of problems but since a bit after spring I have had the excact same problem. Dont matter in a pen or outside at night. I was just going to change out all antennas again. But sounds like that may not be it.

Re: Garmin Help

are u runing out side or in pen if you hunting in a big pen or out side get the long range antennas for garmin and collars

Re: Garmin Help

I've only had the problem on my system with the dc40 collars. I have the long range antenna. I called garmin and they told me that the area i was hunting must be to thick to get good satellite reception. I told them that it does the same thing when I run in flat wide open pasture. Then they told me to try updating the software. I did that and same problem. I called them back after that didnt work and I sent the collars which are practically new back to them. They sent me 2 brand new collars and im having the same problem right out of the box. I call them back and they told me that the dc40's weren't really designed for the 220 system and thats why their not working properly. If anybody has a new system and wants to swap 2 new dc40's for 2 dc30's let me know.

Re: Garmin Help

Its happening on both the 220 & 320. I hunt in the pens only. Ive been in big, small, thick and wide open, same results.

Re: Garmin Help

I'm having the same problems you guys are. Just started last week at Brian Morrow's pen. 150 acres and after 2 hours without any interruption all three DC 40 collars did just like Cary Don said his did. When I caught dogs two started working and one did not. I turned that collar off and back on and it started receiving.

At Jena this week, 900 acres, worked fine for two hours,then all three lost communication at the same time with all three dogs in different areas. All came back on, same time about 1 1/2 hours latter. I have a 320 and DC40 collars 2 months old. Wish I had my 220 and DC30s back.

By the way, I have the long range hood mounted antenna.

Re: Garmin Help

Same thing happened with Cody Huckaby's system at Montgomery puppy hunt yesterday. We tracked the dogs almost the entire hunt then when the hunt was called we lost communication with all 3 collars. After we caught two of the dogs they started back working, then the third one worked until we caught it. We had nothing for a little over an hour. His is the 320 with dc40's. Was thinking about buying one, not so sure anymore!

Re: Garmin Help

Solor flares

Re: Garmin Help

Read this article


Re: Garmin Help

I had the same problem. I went to garmin web site and upgraded my unit, even tho it said i was current. Also make sure you choose the option to upgrade your DC40 collars while on the site. After that you have to turn your unit and collars on one at a time and upgrade them from your 320 or 220 unit. Even if your collars say they are fine and dont need it. That didnt solve my problem all together, but it did help alot. I was able to at least pick them back up pretty quick after loosing siginal. Hope this helps if not sorry.

Re: Garmin Help

Thanks for the replies guys. I have already tried most of all of your suggestions, with no change at this time. Both of my units are current as well as every collar, whether it needed it or not. It has to be something with the satellite, weather, time of year or something, cause everything else is a constant for the last 2 years of not having these problems. I have not called Garmin yet, cause i know they would tell me the same things i've already done as well as you guys suggestions. I will continue to try and figure out something, and then i will report back to everyone.
I am going home today to put several of my collars outside in the open yard with them on and about 100 yards from house and unit. I will monitor and see if they still lose "gps" signal with no running going on or any wooded terrain!

Re: Garmin Help

Ok fellows. Here is what you do. When your system shows a ? On your dog it is simple just turn your garmin astro 220 or 320. Offfffff. Then turn it right back on again your problem will be solved. Not sure what causes this problem, could be you are wearing them out. I'm sure it will get better in time with technology . Bless all who have running dogs and good luck.

Re: Garmin Help

Thankfully, we're not haveing the same problem as some of you other folks. But the entire garmin experience calls for constant trouble shooting. Be that as it may, it is still worth the effort, to continue to use them.
I took advantage of this conversation to ask if there is anywhere to by a board for the collars. We have two units that the boards just quit working.
We are currently running 18 collars on two, 220 units with relatively few problems.

Re: Garmin Help

rodney you know them julys will fix alot of problems. good to see you r still hunting. donnie mccoy

Re: Garmin Help

Hello Donnie, it's sure been a long time. I still remember Cary Don when he wouldn't much older than that grandbaby you have now. You know we try to keep up with technology "garmin" , but Those Julys still out run that signal by a 100 yrds. hopefully they will get it improved for us July owners I think they had those walker dogs in mind when they built those things

Re: Garmin Help

Got a question for you guys that are having problems. When you lose signal do you lose your dog on the dog list also? I have lost the same collar for the past three weeks. I turn all mine on at the same time and check before I go hunting. After a few hours of hunting I realize that the collar has disappeared from my dog list and stopped tracking. After I got lucky and caught the dog I saw that the light was still on, but wasnt showing on tracker. Is this also happening to you guys? This is a 220 with dc40. About 5 month old collar.

Re: Garmin Help

First thing make sure your collar is on your list. Maybe delete the collar then start over which means add it back to your list. If problem still exsists the you do have a problem. Maybe you left your collar in the sun or you left out side in some cold weather. bUT FELlows if you loose your dog on the map like mr Cary don has simply turn your system off for a minute then turn it back on. Kinda like rebooting a computer then your? Marks will simply appear as your one and only DOGs.

Re: Garmin Help

Throw the **** things away and Get you a quick track box and joHnson collars

Re: Garmin Help


Re: Garmin Help

Cary Don I'm having same problem happened this weekend I've tried turning mine off and back on it didn't help always happens after bout 3hrs

Re: Garmin Help

One more thing. Keep them away from marine band radios. Do not put them by your radios or do not hang them on your marine band antennas it will fry them.

Re: Garmin Help....QUESTION???

Will a regular CB with sideband that has been peaked and has a 500 watt amp "fry" the Garmin as well?
Thanks for your reply!

Allan Bishop
(Jabber Jaw)

Re: Garmin Help....QUESTION???

No Allen it will not. Has to be fm bands. A regular cb has am bands

Re: Garmin Help

I have had the same issues as above. And seems that the reboot has been working for me thus far.
I am really seeing the ill effects at hunts when there are a least 5 people using GPS systems. I would like to know if that may have something to do with.
As we all knew these weren't really designed for running hounds, but if they could get the few little bugs worked out that they do out.. we would be set.

Re: Garmin Help

I really enjoy my system and would probably quit hunting if they took them away but don't understand why they can't make collars last longer on a full charge. Just seems like if old style collars last as long as they do surely to God they could make these high dollar b ast a r d s stay up for a couple of days.

Re: Garmin Help

Cary I had the same problem with mine. I was lucky mine was only 10 months old and garmin replaced everything at no charge. One tip I got was when you use them leave them on until the battery is dead before recharging. The last time mine quit was on the first day of a 3 day hunt. Lost signal for over 3 hours. Borrowed a collar the next 2 days without problem. So I feel the issues is with the collars.

Re: Garmin Help

I had this problem with one of my DC-40 collars. I took off the bottom plate and unplugged the battery for about ten minutes this does a reset on the collar. It solved my problem hope it helps you.

Re: Garmin Help

Spoke with Garmin again this morning. They have dedicated someone to work on this and hopefully get it worked out. The lady I talked to said if anyone else is having this problem to flood them with calls and dont just ask for the collars to be replaced. Explain the situation because if they just replace the collars then the problem will not be recorded and worked on.

Re: Garmin Help

I too have spoken with Garmin several times and i nor they believe it is the equipment. I know it sounds silly, but we talked about the solar flares disturbing the signal, but they too are passing. the last 3 weeks i have not had these problems anymore and things, for now, seem to be back to normal. Actually, my collars have worked better than they did before this issue. I say this from hunting at the same places i have in the past and knowing how they worked then versus today. Hopefully the solar flare thing was accurate and might be moving past us and things can be get back to normal!!!

Re: Garmin Help

Rodney this time it may not be the type dog you got it on I hate to admit that, Went up to july boys pen last careys all my collars didnt work well it had to be satlite recp. too hilly, I am in process of redesign on my antenna will not get results until I go to Eds next wk.let you know if Works. already upgrade on comp. no help . The ? showing at Ed. pen the dog is in water,will not clear until water runs off antenna..I tried taking off antenna an coating base an screw in vasline to keep out water no help, but in your case use vaseline on other end of DOG Buddy

Re: Garmin Help


Re: Garmin Help

I have took all my ant. off and packed around them with plumbers putty to help keep the dirt and water off the connection. It has seemed to help!

Re: Garmin Help

i borrowed a friends unit & collars and had the same problem. He used them a couple weeks later & still had the same problem. He pulled up each collar on the unit and calibrated each one of them and have not had any more problems.