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Central Arkansas RHA Speed and Drive

The Central Arkansas RHA will be having their First Annual Speed and Drive hunt at T&T fox pen, October 27th , this hunt will be a 5hr GTP hunt , two class run together scored seperate derby and A/A, entry will be $50 a dog , money will be awarded to the top ten in each class . We will open the books up Setember 1st contact Aaron Walters for numbers

Re: Central Arkansas RHA Speed and Drive

where's the pen

Re: Central Arkansas RHA Speed and Drive

Grapevine arkansas

Re: Central Arkansas RHA Speed and Drive


Re: Central Arkansas RHA Speed and Drive


Re: Central Arkansas RHA Speed and Drive


Re: Central Arkansas RHA Speed and Drive

Just a reminder, pen is well stocked & having some gooood runin! Come see what the COW DOC IS HOLDING

Re: Central Arkansas RHA Speed and Drive

Aaron will start taking numbers in the morning this should be a good hunt!

Re: Central Arkansas RHA Speed and Drive

The Cow Doc ha thats great , but i figured he would cast his dogs and then go choke some chickens , and what about his high powered little fat buddy Chumly aka Cody sure havent heard anything out of him either . I guess there plotting on there come back

Re: Central Arkansas RHA Speed and Drive


Re: Central Arkansas RHA Speed and Drive


Re: Central Arkansas RHA Speed and Drive

Just a reminder getting closer

Re: Central Arkansas RHA Speed and Drive


Re: Central Arkansas RHA Speed and Drive

One month till hunt call Arron Walters for numbers

Re: Central Arkansas RHA Speed and Drive

Got about 75 numbers out so far.

Re: Central Arkansas RHA Speed and Drive

How many judges do y'all have cause if hunters are judging im turning in my numbers!!!!

Re: Central Arkansas RHA Speed and Drive

Judges will be provided

Re: Central Arkansas RHA Speed and Drive

How many are y'all going to have????

Re: Central Arkansas RHA Speed and Drive

Why don't you just judge Bubba?! Don't be a part of the problem, be a part of the solution.

Re: Central Arkansas RHA Speed and Drive

Billy I got better things to do than worry about how many judges there are im going regardless. As I matter of fact if I was so worried about judges I would of asked Chris Hooks that is on the central board how many judges they had or Richie Tucker who I seen this past weekend or even cow doc who I also seen this weekend. So until you get your facts straight don't got excusing people of doing stuff on here.

Re: Central Arkansas RHA Speed and Drive

Hunt is nearly here just two weeks away, should have plenty of judges, running has been out-standing. Call or text Aaron for numbers.

Re: Central Arkansas RHA Speed and Drive

Who will be the man to beat? This should be a great hunt. Hope to see everyone there.

Re: Central Arkansas RHA Speed and Drive

The cow Doc will be tuff, here the famous train may roll in, Brim I figure your coming to take all our money, may be a drak horse there. My little buddy has went in retirment & started deer hunting so we don't have rto worry bout him. Larry Dial been practicing alot down there, is there going to be a cool breeze blow in?

Re: Central Arkansas RHA Speed and Drive


Re: Central Arkansas RHA Speed and Drive

It's been along time since I was there. What's pen like now? I know it has always been a great pen. It should be good

Re: Central Arkansas RHA Speed and Drive

Heath the pen is well stiocked, been getting great reports on the running, We should have about 15 to 18 judges if not more, Will have breakfast saturday morning & may have burgers around 10;30 to 12;00 noon, They have done some clear cuting in parts of the pen, so there is open areas & also lots of thickets should be a barn burner. Looking foward to seeing you.

Re: Central Arkansas RHA Speed and Drive

Purtle you don't have to worry about the dial boys we ain't got nothin but a bunch of pot lickers !! Can't wait to see everyone there happy huntin

Re: Central Arkansas RHA Speed and Drive

Almost her Dagen, went to Sams last nite to get breakfast & lunch for the hunt, picked up several big towels just in case me & Larry needed them! Got around 20 judges & about 100 numbers out, plenty of room for more hounds. Should me a barn burner, Come get you some!

Re: Central Arkansas RHA Speed and Drive

Cast will be between 6;30 & 7;00. Got plenty of rain last nite & temps are droping around 45degrees right now, should be a good day for running.

Re: Central Arkansas RHA Speed and Drive

how many hounds whos bringing the power

Re: Central Arkansas RHA Speed and Drive


Re: Central Arkansas RHA Speed and Drive

powell davis kidd lighting

Re: Central Arkansas RHA Speed and Drive

Can someone post the pen address so I can put in my GPS. Thanks

Re: Central Arkansas RHA Speed and Drive

5714 Grant 25 Grapevine

Re: Central Arkansas RHA Speed and Drive

Thanks chris see see you in the morning

Re: Central Arkansas RHA Speed and Drive

who won?

Re: Central Arkansas RHA Speed and Drive

Marc Cowart

Re: Central Arkansas RHA Speed and Drive

where are the full results?

Re: Central Arkansas RHA Speed and Drive

This was a good hunt for sure. Congrats to everyone that placed. Thanks for the great meals. It was good to see a lot of hunters I haven't seen in years. Thanks for everything.