
Official Website of the Foxhunters Hall of Fame

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The New Way

Gentlemen, field-trialing just moved up a notch. Garmin has a new system coming out next month will change field trialing as we know it. It will just take time.
(Connect your Garmin Alpha to a computer for Live Laptop tracking with Basecamp).

Gentlemen this is the future of field-trialing I have told you it was coming. You can now run 20 dog heat races and the hunt will be judged by the hunters sitting in an air conditioned room. No one will know which number collar is on which dog.
Anything you can get to run on a computer, can be displayed on a video projector. Just imagine 20 hunters sitting in a room watching #7 lead the race or #12 straiten out a lose, or #14 consistantly using the road to cut the race,only to drop out in 5 minutes.
No more judges, no cheating, no waiting on results.When the hunt is over the winner is already known. I have been so looking forward to this.
I know the old-timers will balk on this, but it will do more to help our sport than anything we have seen before. Most importantly it will protect our game, and the pen owners will finally be able to have hunts that will be very profitable.
In the future a champion will be able to win 10,000 dollars in one hunt or maybe more by a process of elimination. And when a dog is called a champion we will know for sure what kind of dog he is.
Dang, I wish Heath had of come up with this idea!

Re: The New Way

Just what we need another computer hunter. Is that computer going to score a dog in hunting and scratch him for faults? I think we should call you guys the new "Hope and Change" Obama hunters.The new hunters of today don't want to find faults in a dog. It's much easier to blame judges for cheating and hunters for doping. Get off your a-- and into the woods!

Re: The New Way

That must be some good **** you Are smokin!!!

Re: The New Way

I agree 100% with Tony

Re: The New Way

We are in a dying sport boys!!! What happened to spending time in the woods knowing what you feed? The world is moving to fast for hunters to invest the time and effort it takes to finish a hound and make him the complete package.

Re: The New Way

I agree with Cole, we are love something called fox hunting that is dying. However, I refuse to give up.

What we need is some hunters that want to HUNT, get in the woods with your hounds and find out who is good and bad, cull the bad, improve your own hounds and do it based on performance in the woods, not what they look like in the kennel or what is said on a computer.

This country is in a mess, fox hunting is in a mess, the only thing that is not in a mess is HEAVEN the Throne of the King and I look forward to seeing it sooner rather than later.

As the song would say, "I am kinda home sick for a country to which I have never been before......."

Lord Help,


Re: The New Way

You should get Heath and Fred on board.

Re: The New Way

You going to put a collar on the coyote to make sure they running something?