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hound for sale

I have a L@W male fox hound for sale he is out of gunstock casper and pinter ziploc ask 150 for him good looking hound

call Brian 386-804-9200

Re: hound for sale

Nobody wants this dog. You have blew the message board up with this dog. Just give it away.

Re: hound for sale

no way you give it up and leve me alone

Re: hound for sale

You guys soud like kids. LOL

Re: hound for sale

nothing wrong with this dog just need a good home and

Re: hound for sale


Re: hound for sale

I will give you a 100 if you quit posting this!

Re: hound for sale

ok come get the dog

Re: hound for sale

I wouldn't sell a dog to someone that rude

Re: hound for sale

Last time I checked this was a public message board and have never seen any limits to how many times someone could post. If he wants to put it on here a thousand times oh well you don't have to look !!

Re: hound for sale

Truer words have never been typed.....

Re: hound for sale

sorry to the guy in mississippi the dog is still for sale


Re: hound for sale


Re: hound for sale


Re: hound for sale


Re: hound for sale

Brian, you have had no success in selling this hound in 3 weeks, so evidently you need to do something different here. There is not enough info on the dog, like how old is he, what is his size, how about his mouth, is he a fast dog, medium speed hound, or slow hound, is he a long hour hound or a short hour hound, how much have you ran him, and why is he for sale and why is he for sale for only $150. Some more positive info might help you sell him.

Re: hound for sale

call and I will tell people about the dog not good on the compter


Re: hound for sale


Re: hound for sale

U comin to ms anytime soon

Re: hound for sale

no not anytime soon

Re: hound for sale


Re: hound for sale

BTT for a good hound.

Re: hound for sale

Will you trade him for a young dog?

Re: hound for sale

no thanks

Re: hound for sale

good hound need a good home

Re: hound for sale
