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Braymer fox hunt

Thanks to all for a great hunt special thanks to all who have spent there time and gas looking for our lost hound the effort is appreciated will definently put this hunt on my schedule for next year

Re: Braymer fox hunt

You are welcome, We do the best we can. We tracked this morning and tonight with no luck, we will try again tomorrow.

Re: Braymer fox hunt

I hope both hounds show up!!!

Re: Braymer fox hunt

Who else is still missing a hound? Tim, have they checked way south where my dog was caught?

Re: Braymer fox hunt

Brad i believe cody marsh (hope thats the right last name) from iowa is missing one anyone that saw hound 130 later in the day any information will be helpful

Re: Braymer fox hunt

yes cody marsh is his number was 78 i believe but he had a gps collar!

Re: Braymer fox hunt

Thanks Brad, we have tryed there twice they will show up sometimes it takes a few days, headed out to track now.

Re: Braymer fox hunt

Brad we drove way down south about 15 miles south of braymer east about 5 miles and west five miles and what not before we went home! With no luck! I appreciate the effort By Tim and all else that have been lookin! And look forward to going back next year! Yes it was a little bwt gyp that had 78 onhon her!

Re: Braymer fox hunt

Cody is that the gyp u placed with and i drove south past the river and from 65 to 13 thinking mine might head for home no luck

Re: Braymer fox hunt

Yeah she got second there. I figured my would drop into someones house sometime but who knows we drove south ten miles to a little town and what not I seen her about 8 headed east and the last track on her was 900 east of cast so hopefully they start showing up sometime

Re: Braymer fox hunt

Yea i hope so but mine should of been at cast or at a house by now just hope they able to get some where

Re: Braymer fox hunt

Just got Cody's hound at the park maybe Robert's will come in there

Re: Braymer fox hunt

Good deal Tim!! Talked to Bob and knew you guys were sure lookin hard for them!!

Re: Braymer fox hunt

Thanks a bunch guys I appreciate it very much!