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Terry byrd

Terry shattered his leg and will be down for awhile hope everything goes ok Byrd man at least u got the 2 time truck winner as ur kennel boy

Re: Terry byrd

Everyone please keep Terry in your prayers as he me be under going major surgery today on his knee/leg !!!! Just a lil update he was kicked by a bull/cow yesterday an it broke his leg in 2 different places plus tore tendons/legiments ....

Kennel boy Valentine said he was gonna keep me updated so i will post as i hear from him or Terry, even thou Kennel boy stays on here more than anybody just not under his name!!! hahaha...

Re: Terry byrd

Hope the best for you Terry

Re: Terry byrd

Good luck with your surgery and recovery.

Those are terrible injuries but will heal with a good surgeon, patience, and care.

Re: Terry byrd

Good Luck T-Byrd.

Re: Terry byrd

Good luck Terry, we wish you a speedy recovery!!!

Re: Terry byrd

I sure hate to hear this and pray for a speedy and full recovery

Re: Terry byrd

Sorry to hear this.Good luck Terry and we wish you the best.

Re: Terry byrd

Terry, we're thinking about you, and hope your up and about soon, and ready to run them hounds. Wish we were closer to help you. Hope to see you this fall some time. Will miss seeing everyone this fall at Bart's, wont seem the same not being ther in Oct. Take Care!