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Running Total Points

Hunts Counted Wayne, Bosworth, Mo Open A.A. (Derby not in yet) NeKsSeNe.
*** is not a member

Green’s Stormy 570
Thistlehill Reacher 495
Q's Cyndi 460 ***
Bob 390
Calcutta Ray 390
Stahl's Bonnie 360
Plum Creek Strech 350***
Lykin’s Mighty Mo 345
Lykin’s Ho-bo 345
Plum Creek Crazy Carl 340
Rhodes Pepper 340***
Noll’s Roller 330***
CJ 320***
Zip 310
Jaeger 310
Noll’s Clark 310***
Burnt Toast Elice 290
Breeze 285
Turdhill KitKat 280
Starkey's Cindy 270
Slone’s Missy 270***
Plum Creek Ike 250
Billy 250***
Rhodes Juke 250***
Smith’s Copper 240***
Turdhill Butterfinger 230
Holly 230***
Wyatt 220
Starkey's Sandy 220
Dynomite 220***
Small’s Eli 190
Sugar 190***
Agnew’s Harley 180
C & M Mashach 180
Rolly 180***
Thistlehill Tuff 170
Crowley's Ridge Berracuda 170
RJ 170***
Piatt's Ice Man J. 150
Starkey’s Legs 150
Misty 150***
Superstar 140
Stahl's Gracie 140
Scooter 130***
Milly 130***
Howard 130***
Spike 130***
Thistlehill Traveler 120
Grizzly 120***
LJ 120***
Elliot's Beauty 120 ***
Rhode’s King 120***
Rhode’s Jack 120***
Tonto 110***
WBT Oakley 100
Kearbey's Rooster 100
Jacub 100***
Niemeiar’s Stinger 100***
Squirrel 100***
Fly 100***
CR Magic 100***
Allen’s Rex 90***
Libby 90***
Bo 80
Thistlehill Ike 80
Yankee Ridge Annie 80
WBT Piatt 80
Stahl's Poptart 80
Hartwicks Peggy Sue 80
Starkey’s Big Bad John 75
Rickey's 1 eyed Mary 70
Bo 60***
Slimmy 60
Thelma 60
McCollum’s Baha 60
Becca 60***
Thistlehill Ice 50
Kearbey's Screaming Eagle 50
Lykins Jo JO 50
Turdhill Redneck 50
Ranger 50***
Jack 50***
Rhodes Gus 50***
Hi Stride Biscut 50***
Repo 40
Muzzy 40***
Calli 40***
Plum Creek Bo 40***
Plum Creek Daisy 40
C & M Squirrel 30
Agnew’s Ninja 30
Sayler’s Annie 30***
Niemeiar’s Rocket 30***
McCollums Strech 30
Rhode’s Chemo 30***
Smith’s Smokey 30***
**** 30***
CR Shotgun 30***
Niemeiar’s Kidd Rock 20***
WBT Salty 20
Plum Creek Honey Badger 20
Wheelers Baldie 20
Vice’s Rambler 20***
Stripper 10
Rhodecap’s Secret 10***
Pretty 10 ***
Dm Polk 10 ***

Re: Running Total Points



Green’s Stormy 570
Thistlehill Reacher 495
Bob 390
Calcutta Ray 390
Stahl's Bonnie 360
Lykin’s Mighty Mo 345
Lykin’s Ho-bo 345
Plum Creek Crazy Carl 340
Zip 310
Jaeger 310
Burnt Toast Elice 290
Breeze 285
Turdhill KitKat 280
Starkey's Cindy 270
Plum Creek Ike 250
Turdhill Butterfinger 230
Wyatt 220
Starkey's Sandy 220
Small’s Eli 190
Agnew’s Harley 180
C & M Mashach 180
Thistlehill Tuff 170
Crowley's Ridge Berracuda 170
Piatt's Ice Man J. 150
Starkey’s Legs 150
Superstar 140
Stahl's Gracie 140
Thistlehill Traveler 120
WBT Oakley 100
Kearbey's Rooster 100
Bo 80
Thistlehill Ike 80
Yankee Ridge Annie 80
WBT Piatt 80
Stahl's Poptart 80
Hartwicks Peggy Sue 80
Starkey’s Big Bad John 75
Rickey's 1 eyed Mary 70
Slimmy 60
Thelma 60
McCollum’s Baha 60
Thistlehill Ice 50
Kearbey's Screaming Eagle 50
Lykins Jo JO 50
Turdhill Redneck 50
Repo 40
Plum Creek Daisy 40
C & M Squirrel 30
Agnew’s Ninja 30
McCollums Strech 30
WBT Salty 20
Plum Creek Honey Badger 20
Wheelers Baldie 20
Stripper 10

Re: Running Total Points


Re: Running Total Points

Less BTT more Bramer, Shoalcreek. LOL jk

Re: Running Total Points

Jason is the Eli dog on the list the one off Wishbone

Re: Running Total Points

Yeah, he has been doing real well.

Re: Running Total Points

Good deal

Re: Running Total Points

Smalls call them and tell them to get the results in and I will post the points I know there are others waiting on them too.

Re: Running Total Points

I'm giving you a hard time, Im sure they will get them in as soon as they have time.

Re: Running Total Points

Brian Eli has placed 5th at Bosworth 3rd at shoal creek and was category in other hunts he has been tearing it up! Eli and Carl are going to be my high points hounds if I don't find my Dixie ***** that's mia at braymer

Re: Running Total Points

I wish you luck with him. He is still a really young hound. He should only get better. Give me a call sometime. 318-789-1924