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Picking the Best Hound

Why are hunters tolerating the cheating at field trial!People work hard for their entry fees and need to be treated fairly.Lets start judging the hounds correctly,not the owners and getting back to a respectable sport!Twenty or thirty years ago if someone won a hunt it was a respected thing.Now its like oh well how did that happen?Men we are hurting ourselves by not holding pen owners accountable for making everything on the square!My opinion is if you pay to enter a hound and its not scored correctly,than they just stole your money!A hunter these days has to spend alot of money,time,and effort getting a hound ready to compete.So please lets get back to the old school basics and start picking the best hound in the field!Stop trying to pump up stud dogs for a fee,or to sell hounds!And try and start running them dry!You buy a hound and a week later is not even close to what ya bought!The truth sometimes hurts!Everyone likes to win but who are we really fooling!Its a political platform these days in the field trial arena,everyone wanting the edge.So please the next time we approach a field trial situation treat your fellow hunter like you would want to be treated!Just and respectful!!!Besides how can you go forward with a descent breeding program if you are breeding to a hound that didnt deserve to win or a needle?

Re: Picking the Best Hound

Very good point. Sad but very true . It aint right but its happening all over. A bunch of people deny it and say its just the ones that aint winning winnin . Who realy wants to win if it aint right.