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Super Good Night at Plantation Pen

I would like to share this enjoyable hunt with anybody that is interested. Dale Evans called me Sun. evening to see if I wanted to go hunting that night at Aimwell. I don't turn down many invitations to hunt so we went. About an hour and a half after we turned loose a quick thunder bumper came up and it got loud. It rained almost an hour then cleared up and the stars came out. We had eighteen hounds and the running was tremendous. It was one of those nights when they ran like they weren't pulling a trailer. Most of the time there would be more than one pack running. We saw lots of crossings and the coyotes looked fantastic. They looked like they do in the cold of winter. The running went on and on because it was cloudy and not as hot as usual. We started catching hounds about noon and got out of the pen at 1:30. This is the kind of hunting I like and have done for sixty years. I have some rough looking hounds with lots of missing hair and hide and some that look at you out of one eye. The only thing that would have made this hunt better was something more to eat than the cold biscuit that I brought. I didn't plan on being there that long. Thanks to the Wests for making this pen available to dinosaurs like me.

Re: Super Good Night at Plantation Pen

Mr James, glad to hear you had yourself a great time. Maybe one of these days i will get to go with you. Its always an enjoyment when i was able to go to Aimwell. They have a fine pen there.

Re: Super Good Night at Plantation Pen

James, glad you had some good running, I did basically the same thing Fri night, got to the pen and turned loose and it had just come a really good rain, and then for about an hour after I turned loose it rained just lightly, sat out in my lawn chair with an umbrella and they really ran good all the rest of the night. It is amazing how much better a little rain and a little cooler night makes it.