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Harlan Hagans Derby Hunt RESULTS

I would like to thank everyone for coming. Thought we had good running. Here are the Results.

1st #0 (Dixons Lemon X Hickmans Lucky 2) Pete Dixon
2nd #17 (Ed's Singing Sam X Ed's Lady Rusty) Glenn Hogan
3rd #4 (Brown's Crowder X D&B's Lil Sister) Tyson Stokes
4th #71 (Cantrell's Dusty X Cantrell's Grasshopper) Glenn Hogan
5th #19 (Lewis' Rocky X Wade's Trixie) Glenn Hogan
6th #11 (FH's Black Boy X FH's Little Gal) Glenn Hogan
7th #10 (KKH Moon X KKH Hooker) Tyson Stokes
8th #6 Richard Dubois
9th #2 Pete Dixon
10th #9 Clay Granham

Re: Harlan Hagans Derby Hunt RESULTS

mr hogan looks miller has put you on the top once again.

Re: Harlan Hagans Derby Hunt RESULTS

Couldn't get Mr Stalsby in top ten--can't give sympathy scores if the pooch won't get off the road.

Re: Harlan Hagans Derby Hunt RESULTS

Who is Mr stoke and what is the breeding on the 7th place hound. I've never heard of either of them.

Re: Harlan Hagans Derby Hunt RESULTS

because there beagles !!!!!!