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In 1981 George H.W. Bush became Vice President to Ronald Reagan. He then became President in 1989 and kept the position until 1993. Bill Clinton then took over in 1993 and stayed in office until 2001. At this time George W. Bush became President and ran his back to back 4 year terms bringing us to the year 2009. Here's where it gets interesting. Barack Obama was voted in because people wanted change, but all they got was more of the same. The day Hillary Clinton backed down and agreed to her new position as Secretary of State, Obama became Clinton's puppet. To make a long story short, two families have had major control over our country for 32 years! How does that happen in a country with a population exceeding 300 million people? Do we really have a choice? Have you ever looked at the candidates presented to you as options, and say to yourself, "is this really the best they could come up with"? If this were fox hunting, I'd get a Clinton gyp and breed it to a Bush stud dog. I would surely have one hell of a politician. WTF

Re: Election?

Mr Unknown, the answer quite simply is that we chose them. Each election year several candidates throw their hats into the ring and then each state gets to vote for their choice out of all of the ones running and this is what WE have came up with. I am a solid Republican, conservative person and I have been terribly disappointed with the choice we(in the last two elections), have decided on. In my opinion, in the last two elections we have picked the worst candidate to be our final one and last time and this time I will vote for the Rep candidate that is running but I will have to hold my nose to do it, but even at that I believe our candidate is head and shoulders above Obama. He without a doubt is the worst thing that has ever happened to our country and must be replaced, but to get back to your question, the one to blame is we the voters, we are doing it, and for the life of me I can't understand the thinking of the voters in this country!!!

Re: Election?

Nothing will change until we clean both houses (senators and representatives ) out!!!

Re: Election?

You've got a pretty good point there I believe.

Re: Election?

i to am am stauch republican. but i was one because because i felt that they stood for my moral and CHRISTIAN values. geoge jr was not a good pres. but i voted for him the second time because i felt that he believe in JESUS CHRIST. with that being said my party nor non of the republicans beleive as i do. i look at my self and ask am i republican because im CHRISTIAN or am i REPUBLICAN because im for lower taxes. well im proud to say im CHRISTIAN before all else. and for me to vote for a NON CHRISTIAN president means im republican before im a CHRISTIAN. dont be fooled the MITT ROMNEY does not believe in JESUS AND HIM CRUSIFIED and the blood of CHRIST for the antonment of my and your sins. so dont be fooled by a wolf in sheeps clothing. he is a republican hiding behind CHRISTIAN party and only we as voters can let this happen! there are other people running as canidates that has CHRISTIAN CANIDATES. will they win probaly not but I DID NOT CAST A VOTE FOR A NON CHRISTIAN CANIDATE. so the way i see it people need to be CHRISTIAN before all else. republican or democrat! one thing about it i wont have to hold MY nose to vote. AS FOR ME AND MY HOUSE WE WILL SERVE THE LORD!!!!!! CAN I GET A AMEN!!!!!!

Re: Election?

Mr Worker, I can't agree with you more!!!! I too am a Christian before I am a Republican and I agree that Romney is not a Christian so therefore I will vote for him before Obama because, Obama, even though he claims to be one cannot be a Christian either because he adamantely states that the Bible is not the truth, he actually makes fun of the Bible, he also adamantely states that there are other ways to get to Heaven rather than just through Jesus, he is for same sex marriages, he is for killing innocent babies, etc. You are quoting the Bible, and that is good but I can quote it also. Jesus said there will be those who come to me and call me Lord and I will say, you call me Lord but yet you didn't do the things I told you to do, depart from Me you evildoer, I never knew you. He also said you can judge a fruit tree by the fruit, and Obama cannot be a true born again child of God and make fun of the Bible and support practices that go against everything Jesus ever taught us!!! The situation is you don't have an opportunity to vote for a Christian this election, you WILL NOT VOTE FOR A CHRISTIAN BECAUSE ONE IS NOT RUNNING, so therefore of the two non Christians running Romney is our best choice, in my opinion. It is a shame that our country has gotten to the point that we don't even have a born again child of God to even vote for!!!!Matt 7:21-23

Re: Election?

There are plenty elite students that graduate high school with 4.0 gpa's at the top off their class, and then go on to college to do the same thing every year. Majority of them are raised under good parenting and Christian beliefs. Some of them were student athletes and served as captains of their respected teams. Most of them at some point were leaders of other various organizations. All of them possessing good work ethics and the desire to be successful. Why can't we see their names on ballets? I'm talking about the backbone of America kind of people. Not born filthy rich brats groomed to be politicians. I might get shot at for this next comment, but take a kid like Tim Tebow. If he wasn't a football player, and instead was a History and Economics BEAST, would you consider a guy with his character as President. I would too. There are two major problems with the election process. 1. A young adult this capable will already be established in their career by the age 35; the age required for President. 2. You have to be a multi-millionaire to even be considered. Most people who are that rich by 35 years old do not want to leave their career to become the President. Those who are that wealthy at 35 and are seeking the position were born into money. Which leads us to the final realization, Every President we ever vote for are going to have ties to huge corporations. The very thing that's destroying our economy.

Re: Election?

ive never voted in a president election that there was just two boxes to check. they will be several to chose from green party or libertarian party just to name a few. i will be a infoemed voter not force fed. i will do some research and find us a CHRISTIAN canidate to vote for. people like ourselves do not need to lower our CHRISTIAN values just because we like a party. you are rite on about oabama. he is not our canidate either. when i find that canidate i will get back to you. i had rather vote for a CHRISTIAN that i dont agree on some other issue than one i know is not a CHRISTIAN. i agree with the republican party on all other issues but if there canidate is not CHRISTIAN then ill have to find one that is. i may not agree on anything else but we will agree on that. when i find that candidate i will let you know because as myself i do not beleive you will want to vote for one either.

Re: Election?

You make a good point and I understand what you are saying but we have to face facts. Either Romney or obama will be the next president!!!! Evidently it will be a close race!!!! To vote for any other candidate is basically not voting because you are just throwing your vote away. Of the two REAL candidates, Romney is heads and shoulders above Obama when it comes to living according to our Lords teachings. We are going to have to live for the next 4 years with Romney or Obama as president, this is fact. It is my opinion(for what thats worth), that our country will be in much better hands with Romney than Obama so therefore as I stated from the beginning, I had rather hold my nose and vote for Romney(actually more voting against Obama than for Romney), because I believe our kids and grandkids will be better off in the long run with Romney being in control for the next 4 years than if Obama is. Again, thats just my opinion, for what thats worth. I know to vote for anyone else running other than one of these two will be actually throwing my vote away and I believe this election will be close enough to where I don't want to waste one vote.

Re: Election?

Another draft dodger just like bush!!!

Re: Election?

i agree with you that our christian values paraell each other. but we differ on the solutions of the problems. if we keep voting for non christian men dems and repubs will keep running them. then where is our nation goin? this country was based on christian values and i believe that we have to vote that set of values. when we stop doin that we suffer as a nation. our kids and grandkids have to live with the decisions we make today.we have to lead by example. wouldnt it be great as a christian nation and as christians we stood up and took a stand! said no to the big two partys and said were not goin to take it anymore. wouldnt that be a legacy we could leave our kids and grand kids. that as moral men of GOD we took a stand and found another choice? there is one on the ballot just dont know which one yet, but i will.as i have said i have always voted for the repubs. but icant vote for a man thats not CHRISTIAN. we could have such a movement people just like me and you to get behind a Christian man for president.with Gods help we can make this happen.my legacy for my kids and grandkids is [ POP never voted for the lesser of the two evils even when he knew he wasnt goin win] its not about winning are losing its whats right for this ONE NATION UNDER GOD! my granddaddy didnt get killed in WW2 for me to hold my nose and vote.my belief is if you voted you already won. its not about winning or losing. respectifully your brother in CHRIST

Re: Election?


religious and cultural group related to Mormonism, the principal branch of the Latter Day Saint movement, which began with the visions of Joseph Smith in upstate New York during the 1820s. After Smith's death in 1844 the Mormons followed Brigham Young to what would become the Utah Territory. Today a vast majority of Mormons are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) while a minority are members of other churches. Some Mormons are also either independent or non-practicing. The center of Mormon cultural influence is in Utah, and North America has more Mormons than any other continent, though the majority of Mormons live outside the United States.

Mormons have developed a strong sense of communality that stems from their doctrine and history. During the 19th century Mormon converts tended to gather to a central geographic location, and between 1852 and 1890 many Mormons openly practiced plural marriage, a form of religious polygamy. Mormons dedicate large amounts of time and resources to serving in their church, and many young Mormons choose to serve a full-time proselytizing mission. Mormons have a health code that eschews alcoholic beverages, tobacco, coffee, tea, and other addictive substances. They tend to be very family-oriented, and have strong connections across generations and with extended family. Mormons also have a strict law of chastity, requiring abstention from sexual relations outside of marriage and strict fidelity within marriage.

Mormons self-identify as Christian, though some of their beliefs differ from mainstream Christianity. Mormons believe in the Bible, as well as other books of scripture, such as the Book of Mormon. They have a unique view of cosmology, and believe that all people are spirit-children of God. Mormons believe that returning to God requires following the example of Jesus Christ, and accepting his atonement through ordinances such as baptism. They believe that Christ's church was restored through Joseph Smith, and is guided by living prophets and apostles. Central to Mormon faith is the belief that God speaks to his children and answers their prayers.

There is alot that could be said about mormonism, but they do believe in the bible, no sex till marriage, strict fidelity,they believe in family, they believe in prayer, and believe helping church and members not obama and his hand outs,

I am not mormon but no religion is perfect, I do go to church.

Re: Election?

mr stanaland im goin to let you dissect the 3rd paragragh of the above post. quite interesting stuff. they must believe in the old testament. they must have not read the new testament yet. islam worpship the same GOD as Christians.looks like mormons and islamics all fogot about the Jesus and the blood on the cross. all three religions beleive in GOD but two forget about Jesus his only begotten son.the only way to save your soul from hell. that is what makes Christians. dont be fooled by they believe in god or they read a Bible. Christians read all the Bible not parts that suit them. COVER TO COVER!!! but i will give the mormons one thing they seem like nice people.romney and obama prob good neighbors but not Christians. My Dad used to say [ the house and senate can all be preachers and deacons and Billy Graham the president and you go to taking money out of peoples pocket and they will forget about there religon and vote them out] i have thought at times how true that was.

Re: Election?

To start with there is lots of difference in the Morman religion and Christianity. John 14:6 is a great starting point, Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes to the Father except by Me"!! This is where the rubber meets the road. Just believing in God is not nearly enough, the devils in hell believe in God and scripture tells that they tremble at the name of Jesus. There is only ONE GOD!!! Three Godheads, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, but only one God. John 1-1 says "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God!!". We can substitute the name Jesus where the Word is used because John 1:13 says "and the Word became flesh and dwelt among us", meaning of course Jesus became flesh and dwelt among us. Eph 2:8 states" through faith by grace are you saved, not by works lest any man should boast, it is the GIFT of God. We cannot work our way to Heaven as the Mormans believe, it is only through the grace shown us by Jesus dieing on the cross and shedding his precious blood to pay for the sins of anyone and everyone who will "confess Him with their mouth and believe that God raised Him form the grave", and repent and be born again as Jesus told Nicodemus, then and only then do we receive that precious gift of forgiveness paying for ALL OF OUR SINS with the precious blood of Jesus. Jesus is God, one of the disciples asked Him one day, "Master, show us the Father" and Jesus replied to him, you have seen Me, I and the Father are one, when you have seen Me you have seen the Father, like I said, one God, three Godheads, the Morman religion is so far from believing this as the east is from the west therefore they can't even pray to God because Jesus said that He was the ONLY WAY TO THE FATHER!!!!! I could go on and on, and yes, as a whole the Morman people are good people, with high principals and great morals for the most part, however they do not recognize Jesus as the only begotten Son of God and the only way to heaven through the Cross, and there is a vast chasm between their beliefs and Christianity.

Re: Election?

mr don this is good enough i put it in my favorites.thanks

Re: Election?

It all came from God, give Him all the praise!!!! But thanks for the encouragement!!

Re: Election?

It is probably on you tube. Look at the floor vote about putting God back on the Democratic platform. Takes a 2/3 vote. Listen to the vote and decide for yourself. Would I want to be in that crowd?

Re: Election?

It is probably on you tube. Look at the floor vote about putting God back on the Democratic platform. Takes a 2/3 vote. Listen to the vote and decide for yourself. Would I want to be in that crowd?

I had to edit my post. Mr. Obama just quoted scripture. If he believes in God then why was God not a part of the platform?

Re: Election?

AMEN mr stanaland!!! my thoughts exactly!!i felt like you could do a better job of dissecting this than i could. now we need to quit putting obama vs romney. there is no Christian candidate so we are goin to have to look at other choices. they are other people running for president on the ballot we just have to check them out. thats what google for. i would like to be a part of a Christian uprising the likes of we have not seen.i am goin to direct my energies in to finding him instead of voting for less of 2 evils. one sin is not worse than another sin in the eyes of GOD.one evil not greater than another one.

Re: Election?

Well just remember this before you pull that lever: If you vote republican and have a son in the armed forces you are sending him away to fight to protect the top 2% best interest!!So if you can support a draft dodger and agree to kill our young people vote republican!!!

Re: Election?







Re: Election?

Will, you are so correct, GOD IS STILL IN CONTROL AND DON'T EVER FORGET THAT!!!! Sometimes we can't understand where He is during some of the ridiculous times and things that are going on but I can assure you that God has not called an emergency meeting in Heaven trying to figure out what to do about this world. He already has all the answers, He is not surprised about what is going on, and He is not in panick mode. Keep your eyes on Him, continue to trust and obey Him and you cannot loose!!!! I read the back of the Book and we win!!!!!!

Re: Election?

I want to make this observation about these post. I would rather walk with a man that shows me in his actions and deeds that he believes in the word of christ than walk with one that tells me he does. My dad always said that a person preachers his own funeral with his actions, at the end the preacher just puts him in the ground. I am going to look at them and see which person I would want to walk by me in my life.

Re: Election?

Good point Brad, I had much rather see a good sermon than to hear one. However Jesus did say that if we won't confess Him before man then He will not confess us to His Father, so it is very necessary that we proclaim Him when we get a chance but again, you are right, to talk it and not walk it is as James put it "dead". I'm preaching about that this weekend, we cannot work our way to Heaven but we are to do good works because we are going to Heaven by the way of the Cross. If we don't walk it our witness is useless!!! Now I'm going to finish this day and load my hounds up and get into the woods and enjoy this wonderful world that God has given to us. Nothing like laying out under the stars listening to a pack of hounds running a coyote and talking to God in the peace and quiet of the night, and listening to Him also!!! I will be doing just that tonight, can't wait.

Re: Election?

It sounds pretty cut and dry. We find the best person from the independent parties. One who believes in God and has proven it throughout his life since the day he excepted Christ as his Savior. We all speak to the pastor of the churchs we attend, and ask him to spread the information to all members. Then the Pastor can share this uprising with his sister churches. We start a ripple effect that creates one of the greatest Christian movements in history. Can you imagine what it would be like when the media caught wind of this display of Faith. I can see the headlines now "Presidential Election" Who will win? Republicans, Democrats, or the Christian Party.

Re: Election?

Great theory but one MAJOR problem!!! When Obama stated that we are no longer a Christian nation, he was telling the truth. The Judeo Christian working person that this country was founded on is now the minority!!!! Proof of this was the last election. we are fast becoming a country of people who could care less about serving God. Check out your churches every Sunday and see how many more are out somewhere else chasing the worldly things rather than worshipping our Lord. We are fast becoming a more Muslim country everyday, where do you think Obama gets these millions of dollars that he has for running. He calls the Koran the "holy Koran", and makes fun of the Bible. The younger generation(for the most part, not all by any means), are into "what can the world do for me today". They look at those of us who believe in trying to live good moral, Christian lives as "out of the times", and laugh at us. Christianity to the majority of this country is foolishness and as more of us older ones die off and more of the liberal younger ones come on it gets to be more and more that way every day!!! LIKE I SAID, GOOD THEORY BUT WON'T WORK BECAUSE WE ARE DEFINATELY THE MINORITY NOW!!

Re: Election?

Your right it's not worth trying. Giving up,backing down, or turning the other cheek appears to be the picture painted by the world of us. We have thin skin and drive cars held together by Christian bumper stickers. What could we really do anyways. Faith is dead without works. I've been out of church a while myself, but I'm not sitting on by hands this election!

Re: Election?

Phillip im with you! it all starts with one!everyone forgets about how the Christian voters put Bush in for 8 yrs . thats all i heard was Christians movement during the election.what about the chic filet [ gay marriage thing] the Mighty Christians stood up and said were not goin to take it anymore and see what happened. if we will defend a man over a chicken shack isn't our ONE NATION UNDER GOD worth rallying over.just pray about and study the other candidates and lets find one! because the way i see it if aboma or rominey wins we as Christians are not doin our duty.there is no lesser of the 2 evils. to don stannaland you did a very fine job of clearing up the issues about mormonism.

Re: Election?

Thanks Mark, and I'm with you guys, we may look like we're outnumbered but when we have God on our side that changes the odds!!!!

Re: Election?

Hey, you guys check out Dale Glading. I'm still doing research, but I ran across this interesting man. I'm not certain if he his running for President, but I know he's running for Congress. There is more out there like him, we just got to find them. If he is running for president he's deffinetley worth a second look.

Re: Election?

God can work through a non believer . A vote for anybody other than Romney is a vote for disaster because Obama will win