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Cow Horn Bugle

I had a great cow horn blowing horn,that I would blow to call my hounds.It was one of o pair handed down to each my cousin and myself.I have lost mine and wanting to get another one. One that is made in the same old fashion way.This horn was maybe 21" or more with a mouth piece made from the tip of the horn.This horn may have been 75 to 100 years old. Does anyone know where I can get another one like it. THANKS FOR ANY HELP!!!!! Sugar Bowl

Re: Cow Horn Bugle

Do you possibly have a pic of it? I make a few but not sure its the same way you are describing....

Re: Cow Horn Bugle

No,sorry. And if I did I don't know how to put one on here.It was a sweet sounding,high pitch horn,everyone who hard it knew it. THANKS

Re: Cow Horn Bugle

Do you have a cell phone that I might be able to send you some pics of what I make???? That way you will have a better idea of what you would be getting.....

Re: Cow Horn Bugle

Coach -

Email me a pic and I can post it on here for you.

Re: Cow Horn Bugle

My cel #9855139026 Thanks SUGAR BOWL