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Virginia-Carolina Classic - REVIEW

Upon receiving an official complaint against the Virginia-Carolina Classic the Leaderboard initiated an investigation toward said complaint.

The Board of Directors for the Virginia-Carolina and the Pen Operators for the Tar River Facility were fully cooperative in this matter. All requests were fulfilled by the parties implicated.

The hunt data was thoroughly reviewed. It is the conclusion of the Review Board that no rules and regulations were broken. More specifically, there was no evidence what so ever of Judges unfairly aiding hounds, unfairly eliminating hounds or otherwise.

The Leaderboard takes no position against Pen Operators parti****ting in affiliated field trials at their facility. The winning hounds showed to have performed well throughout the field of judges with no abundance of scores from a single judge.

It is regretful that innocent parties must endure such accusations.

Perhaps, those implicated can take some solace in that this review board finds that they handled themselves properly and followed the rules and regulations set forth for fair competition.

The Leaderboard encourages any VALID complaint to be submitted. We understand there will be incessant chatter behind closed doors and anonymously on the internet, but please take care to consider the damage that may be done by passing on opinion that has no teeth.