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This coming saturday at the Kountry Korner

I have the Kountry Korner pen booked for Saturday morning the 22nd. Some friends and I will be casting at 5am. We will be practicing for the upcoming Arkansas State. Should be able to find out who should enter hounds or not.

Those that will be in attendance for sure: Myself, Kelly Parker, Cary Don-Tyler-Donnie McCoy, Marc Cowart, Mike Oden. I have heard that Runt Kidd and Heath Davis was coming as well. We should have a good practice session this saturday morning.

Cody Gregory said he will not be able to make it as he has gotten his collars jerked off the last few times he ran.

We'll also be cooking breakfast about daylight. Please let me know if you are coming so there will be enough. Post here or call me at (903)265-1353

If you are interested in coming to check out the power from Vidor, Tx Cary Don said he would take on all challengers and to just come get some of it.

Re: This coming saturday at the Kountry Korner

Dang David, you were suppose to keep it a secret so everyone wouldn't see this trash we have in TX, but oh well, too late in the game to hide now. I did like your last sentence. I like to be the underdog, but do accept challenges from time to time!! To be honest, there's only 1 i really want to challenge so we can close those ever flapping jaws, but can't seem to get him to show up and take his medicine. He was coming to whup me at the AR/LA/TX one day a few months ago, but we all know how that turned out for him, no show for him, or butt whuppin if he would've!!! So, with all that BS i just said, i wan't to say, "come on out and play, The Brotha, we'll play nice."

Also, as far as Cody, i think if Rob will let him get one of his units that he's been after, he might actually show up, maybe for the last time, but he'll show!!!

Re: This coming saturday at the Kountry Korner

RSVP's are rolling in now. Looks like it will be a preview of the Arkansas State after all. LOL...

Cody, you might not want to come after all. I'd go take that whipping from Mikel and Larry on Saturday night..

CD, come prepared. That's all I can say!!!!! They are gunning for you. Be sure to bring your numbered blankets where everyone will know which ones your hounds are.

Re: This coming saturday at the Kountry Korner

Rob told me he was coming last week, now I can't even get him to reply to a text message.

Re: This coming saturday at the Kountry Korner

Rob is coming, just hung up with him!! he said he was gunning for Cody, but i think he said that cause he knew he Cody wasn't coming!!

You know all my dogs have numbers, so if they want a crossing they better get em numbered, cause there is no brush shooting saturday morning!! If mine do bad, i'm not scared to get shed of them and get something else. Hell, i've been on the down side of having your dogs numbered, so there won't be any hurt feelings here!! The real thing we need to worry about is what are we gonna say when Kelly whups all of us with a bunch of puppies!!

Re: This coming saturday at the Kountry Korner

Heck why would heath davis com run does he even have a hound?and thatj july gyp of runts is fixin to do it agian to you all .you all need all the practice you can get and will spanky com out and get yanky his collar

Re: This coming saturday at the Kountry Korner

CD I talked to Cody. He said he was going to the mud races. He said the mud was good therapy to heal up all the skint up spots he had from the past few weeks of field trialing. Just for the record all of us aint coming to practice. Mine been in the dog pen all summer and just need some exercise.

Re: This coming saturday at the Kountry Korner

I've heard that junk before Rob. I bet you've been running them.

Re: This coming saturday at the Kountry Korner

RSVP's are rolling in

Attendees so far:

Marc Cowart
Runt Kidd
The McCoy's (no hatfields are allowed....things might get ugly)
Jimmy Spells
Randy Reardon
Marshall Lewis
Rob Chamberlin
Kelly Parker
Mike Oden
Heath Davis

Re: This coming saturday at the Kountry Korner

Well hell Bonner you think Im scared.May not can run with you big little boys but Ill try ya.

Re: This coming saturday at the Kountry Korner

Believe what you want. They been out 2 times in almost 3 months.

Re: This coming saturday at the Kountry Korner


Re: This coming saturday at the Kountry Korner

Come on over Tye.....might just have a burger too.

Re: This coming saturday at the Kountry Korner

Tye your welcome at my campfire anytime!!

Re: This coming saturday at the Kountry Korner

Would ya'll please leave me alone?!

Re: This coming saturday at the Kountry Korner

Yea being that you asked so nice and all. We won't talk about you til Saturday.

Re: This coming saturday at the Kountry Korner

David you know what kinda burger I like and to have it at Robs campfire makes it even better.

Re: This coming saturday at the Kountry Korner

Thank you....you guys really hurt my feelings. I'm all tore up about this.

Re: This coming saturday at the Kountry Korner

I'm glad that Cary Don has finally found something that he thinks i'm scared of he's just setting himself up for a big upset and as far as the Ar La Tex i was judging it just a little FYI buddy and yea i've been skint the last few time's i went to a field trial , but i plan on skinning all the texas boys at the state i'll have the dosages mesaured out in little containers where you can each take your meds , and one more thing i'll have enough baby powder for all of you texas guys to put on that SKINT AZZ where the ride won't be so hard on you back to texas by the way LONGHORNS SUCK

Re: This coming saturday at the Kountry Korner

Them Longhorns didn't lose to UL-Monroe.

Re: This coming saturday at the Kountry Korner

Now, now Cody...don't get upset with us. We were only joking with you. If you think you will be the first person to skin my rear at a field trial I got bad news for you. I am quite used to it now. I don't have much worth running, but I will be there Saturday morning when all the big boys cast their hounds.


Re: This coming saturday at the Kountry Korner

The winner wont be there Saturday. She will be resting cause I have other obligations. Nobody on your list scars me.

Re: This coming saturday at the Kountry Korner

Come on Bubba, at least post your real name.

Re: This coming saturday at the Kountry Korner

Come on David I come up with better fake names to use than that!!!! I hope you texas boys get all the practice yall can stand before the State hunt gets here!!!!!

Re: This coming saturday at the Kountry Korner

Not upset little buddy just stating the facts and by the way don't drink the SNAPPLE this time

Re: This coming saturday at the Kountry Korner

and another thing i guess just me getting on the computer made Cary Don start dogging me again cause i see he hasn't had any remarks

Re: This coming saturday at the Kountry Korner

Sorry Cody, seems like you got your feelings hurt and needed a hug, so stayed quiet. Hell you got on me and David is the one that singled you out, I only picked on Marshall. One day you'll come out and play!!

Re: This coming saturday at the Kountry Korner

Y'all talked all this up like a hunt!! So tell us what you seen!!

Re: This coming saturday at the Kountry Korner

who had top dog

Re: This coming saturday at the Kountry Korner

It must have been the KIDD show.

Re: This coming saturday at the Kountry Korner

Well, this was like a "hunt". A bunch of good hunters with good hounds all got together to run their hounds. Everyone came to run against some good competition and see how their hounds fared in that pen against others. We probably cast close to 120 hounds and let me tell you, they were rocking all over that pen from cast time til way up into the day! There were a lot of crossings seen and from i saw and heard from others, no one dog or person dominated anything, not even the "famous" mr. kidd, but he did get more than his part.
This was a perfect example of what good hunting is all about. A bunch of hunters talked a little friendly trash, actually got together, and let them get in the wind. the competition was as good as its going to be at the AR State and was a lot of fun. No one cried or got mad from being picked on. Everyone there were MEN and acted and enjoyed accordingly. That's what is all about for me and mine. It was well worth the 300 miles we drove to whup those boys!! Nah, but was a GREAT time and looking forward to the state hunt!

PS - the pen is as full and ready as any pen i've been to in a long time!

Re: This coming saturday at the Kountry Korner

I see werd davis is selling that junk of his already and i see there julys??? Im bettin kidds show pony july gutted them things

Re: This coming saturday at the Kountry Korner

Saturday morning was as much fun as I've had hunting in a long time. Other than Rob hiding my 4 wheeler key from me, it was a great time. We had the Kountry Korner rocking and the hounds rolling all morning. The pen is slap full of game and it will be a great Arkansas State. Cary Don made the long haul. He must really like hunting. They ought to give that boy 500 bonus points for HOY just for showing up as much as he has to travel. It was good getting to see some of the guys I don't normally get to see.

Kyle Efird was even wearing a Louisiana-Monroe visor saturday morning!!!!

Re: This coming saturday at the Kountry Korner

It was the best I,ve heard in along time if the runnin is any better at the state hunt all I can say is (WOW).I had agreat time and enjoyed seeing several old friends.The look on Cary Dons face when he came up to camp when Davis had ole Jasmine in show stance was priceless. Pretty sure there was a bird fly out of his buggy.