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Somebody give me a reason to vote for romney. How is going to put more money in my pocket.

Re: romney

how about he wont take it out of your pocket. an give to someone else.

Re: romney

Barack Obama is the best reason I know of for voting for Romney and as far as putting more money in your pocket, Obama can't do it either, he doesn't have any money, our country is broke, we are in debt so deeply that our grandkids probably won't even be able to pay it off, how about the good ole days when we learn to do someting well enough to earn our own money rather than look to the govt for a handout!!!!! I don't need Obama nor Romney to put money in my pocket, I can earn my own!!! If you think money in your pocket is the main issue then you have much to learn. How about getting this failing country back on its feet. Obama can't do it, he has proven that in the last 4 years, we are so much more deeper in debt than we were 4 yrs ago that we may never get out of it, Obama's solution is just print more money, ha,ha. What a joke!!!!

Re: romney

Romney is a joke. Our debt comes from wars that george bush started and couldn't finish. I'm very thankful for what I have and I am a christian but I believe romney to be a joke. He has made a living by cheating the system. He will tax the middle class and give breaks to the rich. At least obama has tried to do something about the health care problems and he has had the honor of following the worst presdent in history.

Re: romney

How do you figure Bush started the war???? Where was you when our country was attacked!!!!! I don't call that starting a war, I call that defending our country and our citizens and if he hadn't done that they would have continued to attack us and they might have even ended up in your own front yard. Bush did the right thing, which is the opposite of what Obama did the other day when our ambassador was raped and murdered along with others. You are out of your head if you say Bush started the war!!!! I can't imagine you even saying that!!!! Ridiculous!!!!!!!!

Re: romney

Obama is just the opposite of Romney. Instead of giving you a fish Romney will teach you how to fish.Did you forget about 9-11.

Re: romney

looks like your man romney is in free fall,not enough rich folks to get him elected.!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: romney

Bush is not the one who got bin laden, that credit goes to obama. Bush wasted our money in Iraq and Afghanistan trying to build a democracy. Those people hate us we should have simply when there to out AL Qaeda and got the hell out. instead we are paying bushes buddies to rebuild them. If Romney is elected he will out source everything and no one will have a job. everybody is hung up on obama helping the needy but you all support bush for attacking Iraq because those people were suppressed. At least obama is helping people in this country. Regardless if you fell they need it or not I would rather my money go to a american instead of a sworn enemy. If your a realist you know bush was a terrible president and has hurt the republican party. I'm just tired of everyone bashing obama. Give me something positive on Mitt. The best line he has is I wish I was a Latino.

Re: romney

Why don't you put your name down so we can see who we are talking to. Obama diplomacy with Hillary Clinton alongside isn't winning any friends here or abroad. Obama is helping them cause they are his own.

Re: romney

Obama said he is running on his record. Then if that is true, let's not worry about what G. Bush and the previous administrations done. Now for his record- How in the world can anyone think of voting for him!

Re: romney

If I voted for obama I wouldn't put my real name on here either....

Re: romney

Its sad how bad off this country truly is. By the time my grandkids get old enough to vote they will be forced to speak Chinese. You can blame which ever president you want for what ever you want. Clinton was root cause of the economic crash. Bush used 9-11 to finish a war his daddy couldn't and used weapons of mass distruction as another excuse to buy him more time when at the end of the day it was all about OIL. Obama well its yet to be seen what kind of fix we will be in when he gets done. Its ashamed that we the people put idiots like this in office. We are blind to all the corruption and greed in our government and brainwashed by the Main Stream Media where they sugar coat the crap that want us to eat and make us think its ice cream, and we just keep going back for more. Its just mindboggling that out of the millions of people in this country thats the best 2 candidates we can find to represent our country. It's really sickening.

Re: romney

Dan, I have to agree with most of what you said, I certainly agree that it is a shame that these are the best two prospects for the President of this great country. Its really a terrible shame!!!!

Re: romney

If Obama Is re elected your gun rights will be gone.Oboma and Hillery have allready been working with the united nations to take our guns away. He will also be filling several more supreme court justices in the next term and I guarantee they will be anti second ammendment. Most of the hound owners are hunters so that will eventualy end our sport.

Re: romney

All that you have said is correct JB

Re: romney

Joe, I'm pretty sure you don't even have a clue talking about the rich folks being for Romney. What about the Kennedys, and the Clinton's and all of their rich friends. They are all for Obama. The big oil investors are for Obama because he prefers to buy the oil from his Muslim friends rather than drill offshore and here in our own country. I think you may have spoken without thinking on this one. The ones of us who are against Obama are the ones that have to work eveyday. I have to work 5 days a week and get paid for 4 because Obama wants to take one of our days pay that we are earning and give it to those lazy people who don't work and won't work, they want to lay around on their lazy backsides and have a baby every year and collect my wages that I am working to earn.

Re: romney

There is noway a GOD fearing red blooded AMERICAN CHRISTIAN can vote for a man who is not pro life and turns his back on ISRAEL time and time again he along with the Great USA will pay in one way or another for our actions im not so sure we aren't paying for it now sure the taxes ,medicare,$,gas prices, and alot of other things mean alot to different people but you have to look at a mans heart,actions,and who he surrounds himself with and if your looking for the perfect MAN to vote for hes not running this time he died over 2000 years ago so that just leaves one choice ROMNEY i am in noway perfect and dont claim to be much im just a long haired country boy striving to make it to a place my love ones have gone and i dont want Obama on my list when im standing at the gate with St. Peter

P.S. Mr. full plate if you cant put your name on a post we all no whats missing from your plate a spine and a sack

Re: romney

How can anyone vote Obama if you are a christian,American,White,love your kids,don't like high fuel cost,F-rating with NRA,Due you think appoint left wing judges are going to vote for gun rights or hunting rights if it ever crosses there desk.Before you start with how does white have anything to do with it.Obama went to a church that preached G.D America and I hate white peaple.He never said a word about the black panthers showing up at voting polls.Obama had a lot to say about a white police officer,and many other white americans before all the facts came out.If it smells like a skunk,looks like a skunk,sparys you and your country in the face like a skunk.It's safe to say Obama is nothing more than a stinking skunk.

Re: romney

If you honestly think terrorist attacked the US on 9/11 please watch LOOSE CHANGE 9/11 on youtube it is eyeopening.

Re: romney

I think here is most of Americas problem blind fools with less common sense then GOD gave a rock how can anydody say something this stupid its probly just a dumda$$ liberal jerkin our chain anyway most of them don't have the spine to post there name

Re: romney

You folks are a bunch of backwoods racist!!!!

Re: romney

First off I serve a loving and forgiving god and I wan t everybody to go to HEAVEN. Romney is not a man of god either. And if you are truly a christian and you believe that the two most important issues is gay marriage and abortion you need to pray to god for help. Gay marriage and abortion is between the individuals and god I will not judge.

Second every body is throwing up their kids. I am graduate of college and with scholarships and big help from my parents i was able to dodge student loans. My friend is a school teacher he owes 68,000 dollars in student loans and he only makes 32,000 a year. Obama is the first to address this problem. Also something has to be done with health care it is crippling our economy. To many Americans are without health insurance because they don't qualify, cant afford it, or simply choose not to have it.

Third I am so disappointed all you so called Americans who complain about paying taxes. I probably pay more taxes then 90% of the people on this site and i don't complain. ( I don't cheat the system I pay all my taxes). What do you suggest we do kill the sick, disabled, and elderly.

Fourth the NRA is big business they always support the Republican nominee. They will not revoke the second amendment however i would support a ban on assault riffles and any gun that holds over 5-8 rounds. Nobody needs a assault riffle and if you cant kill a deer in five shots he needs to live.

Fifth Romney has made millions by putting American business out of work by outsourcing. He is simply the worst of the two candidates. He will eliminate the middle class and the upper class we flourish.

Last the only reason I started this post is because everyone is bashing Obama. If you believe Bill Clinton is the cause for are financial situation how come George bush couldn't fix it. He had 8 years and didn't accomplish one thing. I started this post because I wanted to hear a reason to vote for Romney and not against Obama.

Re: romney

Doesn't have anything to do with race, I dislike Biden as much as I do Obummer. Don't play the race card!!!! Thats just a poor excuse!!!! I'm against anyone who is in favor of men marrying men and women marrying women and innocent babies being killed and someone who thinks the Bible is a joke!!! You are the raceist because even with these problems you still support him because he is black. Like I said, I dislike Biden and Pelosi as much as him!!!

Re: romney

Well at least post your name where we all know if you are serious or not. If you are that strongly convicted to vote for Obama, be proud and post your name. Otherwise we will all continue to think you are ashamed of actually having voted for him.

Re: romney

Mr Standaland I never mentioned race. Do you have a guilty conscious? I am against guy marriage however did bush do anything to put a stop to gay marriage. Romney doesn't care about the bible either he will be sworn in on the book of Mormon. I do however believe in pro choice. I have a young daughter and she was raped of molested i would want her to have the choice of abortion. I watched my aunt die from cancer because she became pregnant and she couldn't take treatments. She choose to have the baby and my uncle cant even look at him without hurting and feeling angry he lost his wife.

Mr. Bonner i am not ashamed of my views however everyone who is bashing Obama is doing under no name post so why should I be any different.

Come on guys name one positive thing about Romney.

Re: romney

Mr Fullplate, you are not the only one posting on here, look at Jesse's post, I was answering it when you posted yours before I could answer his. Looks like you might be getting a little excited and jumping to conclusions, slow down, breathe deep, it will be alright

Re: romney

Mr. Standaland

Why are you voting for Romney.

Re: romney

Several reasons, and actually I am not voting for Romney, I am voting against Obama and again, here are the reasons.
1. I truly believe him to be a Muslim liberal dictator want to be.
2. I believe him to be too liberal for me and I have already indicated the things that make me feel this way. One is his very liberal feelings about same sex marriage, another is his very liberal feelings about killing innocent babies, another is his liberal views about spending money that he doesn't even have, putting our country in so much jeopardy that I am not sure how we will ever pay our way out of it.
3. I truly believe he hates the Bible, he has made fun of it and I have heard him refer to the Kouran as the "holy kouran", this is ridiculous.
4. I know his wife is a raceist and I remember it like it was yesterday when she said "this is the first time I have been proud of this country".
5. In short, I believe him to be the WORST thing that has ever happened to the United States of America and as a lame duck president, if he gets reelected, there is no telling what all he will do to destroy this country as we know it. I truly believe he would like this to be a socialist muslim nation. I TRULY BELIEVE IT BECAUSE OF HIS PAST ACTIONS!!!!!!!


Mr Fullplate, I am going to back off now and discontinue this discussion, I have stated what i feel like are facts, its up to you to do whatever your concience tells you and that is really none of my business, but I believe if you will get serious, and pray and ask God to direct you on how you are to vote, I believe you will have a change of heart, maybe not, nevertheless, you do have the right to vote as you please, and so all I can say for you is "go for it".

Re: romney


Re: romney

ONe positive thing? He is not Barrack Obama.

Re: romney

I will give you a reason go watch OBAMA'S AMERICA 2016!! or read the new booK by ED Klein THE AMEATURE

Re: romney

Former Constitutional Law Lecturer and U.S. President Makes Up
Constitutional Quotes During State Of The Union (SOTU) Address.

Consider this:
1. President Barack Obama, former editor of the Harvard Law
Review, is no longer a "lawyer". He surrendered his license back in 2008 in
order to escape charges he lied on his bar application. A "Voluntary
Surrender" is not something where you decide "Gee, a license is
not really something I need anymore, is it?" and forget to renew
your license. No, a "Voluntary Surrender" is something you do when
you've been accused of something, and you 'voluntarily surrender"
your license five seconds before the state suspends you.

2 Michelle Obama" voluntarily surrendered" her law license in 1993, after a Federal Judge gave her the choice between surrendering her license or standing trial for Insurance fraud!
3. So, we have the first black President and First Lady - who don't actually have licenses to practice law. Facts.
Source: http://jdlong.wordpress.com/2009/05/15/pres-barack-obama-editor-of-the-Harvard-law-review-has-no-law-license/
4. A senior lecturer is one thing, a fully ranked law professor is another.
Barack Obama was NOT a Constitutional Law Professor at the University of

5. The University of Chicago released a
statement in March 2008 saying Sen. Barack Obama
(D-Ill.) "served as a professor" in the law school-but that is a
title Obama, who taught courses there part-time, never held, a
spokesman for the school confirmed in 2008.

6. "He did not hold the title of Professor of Law," said Marsha Ferziger
Nagorsky, an Assistant Dean for Communications and Lecturer in Law
at the University of Chicago School of Law.
Source: http://blogs.suntimes.com/sweet/2008/03/sweet_obama_did_hold_the_title.html

7. The former Constitutional Senior Lecturer (Obama) cited the U.S.
Constitution the other night during his State of the Union Address.
Unfortunately, the quote he cited was from the Declaration of
Independence ... not the Constitution.

8. The B-Cast posted the video: http://www.breitbart..tv/did-obama-confuse-the-constitution-with-the-declaration-of-independence/
9. Free Republic: In the State of the Union Address, President Obama said: "We find unity in our incredible diversity, drawing on the promise enshrined in our Constitution: the notion that we are all
created equal.

10. Um, wrong citing, wrong founding document there Mr. President.
By the way, the promises are not a notion, our founders named them unalienable
rights. The document is our Declaration of Independence and it reads:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal,
that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable
Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of

11. And this is the same guy who lectured the
Supreme Court moments later in the same speech?

When you are a phony, it's hard to keep facts straight.

Keep this moving -- Educate others.

Re: romney

another film just came out today, OCCUPY UNMASKED GO SEE IT and find out who really is running your country!!

Re: romney

This is amazing, almost 4 years ago I believe I was one of very few people on here that questioned the republican canidate, now I see more and more. That koolaide must be taisting better. After reading this post I'm not going to argue all the points made. But I would like to state a few facts and a question.
1. We still go to church and study the BIBLE.
2. We still have our GUNS.
3. There has been 4.6 million jobs created since the down fall which started in 2007.
4. We are producing more OIL than we have since 2003.
5. We are importing LESS OIL than in previous years.
6. More people and families have healthcare coverage than ever before, and my grand mother (8 does not have to worry about paying for medicine her retirement and social security could not cover.
7. All Kids right out of high school has a better chance of getting a Degree.
I could go own, but the point I am making is all the lies that were told before the 2008 election did not work, and they will not work again.

And Why is Romney so against showing his tax returns, you know alot of people says they should not matter, but I think it does because when you cheat on your taxes, you are not just cheating the IRS you are cheating the United States of America, which is you and me. And by the way, just because I don't agree with some of you on politics I still love all of yall. Happy Hunting and may God Bless all.

Re: romney


We are spending 167% of the Gross National Product. 67% more than this country generates. At that rate, that so called 4.6 million created jobs would have to be about 15 times that to match what we spend.

There ain't nothing FREE Worm. I have health care, i pay for it Worm. Worm, we now have 1/3 of the population receiving some type of entitlement. You vote this joker back in and we just might see the end of democracy in our life time.

Worm, some so called adults that are over 21 eventually grow up, some never do. Most Democrats with their childish thinking make others question their intelligence, we know they have little common sense.

Re: romney

liberalism is a mental disorder according to DR MICHEAL SAVAGE 3rd most listen to talk radio host in the country!!

Re: romney

Are you saying that any democrat that votes for Obama is a liberal that has lost his/her mind?? Why would anyone choose a lesser qualified candidate just to vote against someone? I think that Full Plate has made some valid points and the only response seems to be that you guys are not really sold on Romney - You're just voting against Obama.

I am a Christian female and a professional. I am the mother of two wonderful children and a grandmother. I support my church, pay taxes, serve in many worthwhile organizations and truly care about my community and this country.

I am not pro-abortion but I am pro-choice. I feel that it is between a woman, her doctor, and her God. Secondly, I am opposed to gay marriage but I feel that God will judge each of us and our own individual choices. I think what full plate is saying is that they are more issues out there than abortion and gay marriage, folks.

Romney wants to stand on his business expertise to say he's a great choice but then he doesn't want to publicize his tax returns or won't stand up and admit to the outsourcing of jobs, foreign bank accounts, and making money from closing down American businesses. Come on . . .

I'm not a liberal - I'm a realist. The Republican party is for big business not middle class America. After hearing his comments at the fundraiser when he didn't realize he was being recorded; he makes me sick to my stomach! His comments were racist and offensive to me!

Re: romney

Romney is the realist. He realizes that 47% that does not pay a dime in federal taxes, is going to vote for someone that will continue that trend.

You khow what, you liberals always talk about big business, the "BIG OIL" companies, they talk about "BIG BANKS" BIG this, BIG that. Why don't they talk about Apple. The profit Apple has made. I have never heard a peep out of you guys about Apple. Why, because it is a liberal backed company.

To me, I am glad Apple, Exxon, Wal-Mart are in business. I work for a family owned company. My boss is RICH. I am glad he is, I don't want to work for a poor man. Having to hold your check until Tuesday to cash. Capitalism is what made this country and entitlements, unions, regulations that are not needed will be the downfall of the land we now live.

I am also a Christian. You know GOD is against homosexuals. You know Israel is God's people. We must always support Israel. As far as abortion, that is killing a baby. Thou shalt not kill. Pretty simple commandment, I don't think it is up for justification on anyone's part. You should also know that work is expected in the Bible. Examples:

1 Thessalonians 4:11-12
And to aspire to live quietly, and to mind your own affairs, and to work with your hands, as we instructed you, so that you may walk properly before outsiders and be dependent on no one.

Proverbs 6:10-12
A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest, and poverty will come upon you like a robber, and want like an armed man. A worthless person, a wicked man, goes about with crooked speech.

Proverbs 14:23
In all toil there is profit, but mere talk tends only to poverty.

2 Thessalonians 3:10-12
For even when we were with you, we would give you this command: If anyone is not willing to work, let him not eat. For we hear that some among you walk in idleness, not busy at work, but busybodies. Now such persons we command and encourage in the Lord Jesus Christ to do their work quietly and to earn their own living.

The Democratic party has a lot of lazy people and the workers have to pay for it. PERIOD.

Re: romney

hannity america is on right now bet you ain't got the gumpion to watch it cause you don't want to hear the truth you are no realist RUSH LIMBAUGH IS A REALIST

Re: romney

MS REALIST if ya'll bankrupt the top 10 percenters with higher taxes being they are the check signers who's going to sign your check, next month or next year the unions,obama,you got plenty money?? you better hope so. who going cough that 200 billion in taxes up, ya'll spend on entitlements every month buying votes where is grannie and grampa medicare checks funding going to come from we are 16 trillion in dept,obama is living on borrowed money the top 10 percenters or paying 90 percent of the taxes. guess who is going to suffer when the rich people are out of bussiness no jobs,no medicare,no medicaid, no foriegn aid, no social security,no food stamps, no grants, no student loans, no pre paid abortions, no civil service jobs, are you 47 percenters going to pick up the slack when ya'll brake the rich no cause ya'll work for the top 10 percenters,directly are indirectly ya'll don't believe in paying taxes the high achievers owe ya'll GOD I PRAY THE RICH KEEP PAYING THAT 200 BILLION EVERY MONTH SO ALL POOR PEOPLE THAT REALLY NEED HELP CAN GET IT. CAUSE I WOULD HATE TO NO THEY WOULD HAVE TO DEPEND ON THE 47 PERCENTERS Think about this if you raise taxes on my company I will raise the price of my product and you the consumer will pay the taxes indirectly, so pop it to it. I LOVE RICH PEOPLE

Re: romney

Since most on this board are hard working god fearing americans would you also consider middle class to have a income of 250,000 - 350,000 a year? If thats middle class Im DAM POOR.

You want to be president of the most powerful free nation in the world but wont release tax returns?

"end of democracy'' If you think you really have any say in government please do tell. you go to polls and push a button which really doesnt matter since electorial college is what does matter.

Let me know when there is an actual politician that doesnt scratch his rich buddies back and picks the working man instead.

Im not a big obama fan but that doesnt mean we should take the next white guy that comes along.

4 years of complaining and he is the best the GOP could whip up? he has more money in other countries than here.


Re: romney

APARENTLY you don't no romney, his parents were poor people, moved here from mexico I don't agree with romney on every thing but I don't envy him either why won't obama release his college transcripts romney pays 15 percent capital gains taxes on investment money,money that is already been taxed before he invested it. double taxation he does not pull a pay check like a salary or wages what seperates us from the 3rd world is our big spending rich people.they have no rich people only thier governments

Re: romney

I personally could care less how much Romney made. I would be more interested to see if Obama filed as a foreigner for student aid in college.

Romney would eliminate the tax on dividends and capital gains. Guess who that helps, ME. I stick my neck out and invest in the market. If I am paying a 15% TAX on dividends and I get to keep all the dividends I receive, then I am better off. I could feed more hounds or do what ever I chose. Obama wants to increase the tax on dividends and capital gains. I have read where it could be as high as 46%. Of the dividends i receive, 46% would go back to him and I keep 54%. Where is the incentive to save and invest?

No one can borrow their way to prosperity.

Common sense people, there are many personal beliefs that one can factor, but the number one difference is money. You either have it or not. Our country is broke and lets get someone in there that understands that concept. We are broke.

Re: romney

Bill clinton balanced budget, bush overspent for 8 years and you think obama can fix 8 years in 4. Come on people tax cuts isn't going to help the deficit.

Re: romney

It is the democrats that can balance the budget (like Clinton did). As far as tax breaks for the wealthy - There is something wrong when the Senior Officer of company pays less tax than his secretary. Cutting taxes isn't the only way to cure the deficit issue but cutting programs for the elderly, disabled, and children are not the answer either. We do have to reign in government spending but Romney doesn't have a clear plan except to toy with medicare and medicaid which harms the least of us. If you are truly a Christian, I don't see how you can be for THAT!

When Obama took office there were 9 million jobless and today there are only 4.5 million. Yes, there is still work to do but Romney has no real plan.

I, too, was all caught up the 9/11 attack. I truly feel for everyone involved and will always support our troops. However, nothing has really been accomplished in Afganistant and Iraq. (It's this generation's Vietnam.) At least, Obama is bringing the troops home finally.

Re: romney

I no reading what you wrote, that you are preaching the democrat talking points. but lets deal with facts. the repubs took control of both houses in 94, still with me they drug lover boy clinton along kicking and screaming to get welfare reform, and a balanced budget the democrats took over both houses in 07 the economy start down hill like a run away train, remember bushe was a lame duck president he was at the end of his second term, he let botox betty polsi and dirty harry reid,do what ever they wanted,bend over barney and chris dodd were over the banking and finance commity,they said every body should own a house,but everybody didn't want to pay for a house. the home prices fell like a rock off a 40' bluff, thats the reason so many people are under water in thier home mortgage. then obama got elected and the wheels really came off, bush ran the national dept up 3 1/2 trillion in 8 years, your boy obama ran it up 4 1/2 trillion in 3 1/2 years these are facts not talking points since obama was elected there are millions more people in poverty, american workers average pay has drop from 55 k to 50k while government workers has went up 5 percent.the US is pumping more oil now than when bush was in office, thats true but tell the rest of the story its being produced by private investers on thier land, obama has signed less drilling permitts on government and off shore, obama takes credit for more oil but he doing every thing he can to shut that down to, he is shutting down drilling on federal land that has the most potenal. lets deal in facts, do your home work quit drinking the kool aid quit using the poor, the hungry and the old people for your sypathetic talking points and deal in the real world I'm an independent voter, I don't care if donald duck is running if he is conservative, he's my choice. I EXPLAINED IT ABOVE WHY BUFFET, ROMNEY, ETC DON'T PAY THE SAME RATE AS THIER SECRETARYS, 15 PERCENT IS THE CAPITAL GAINS RATE FOR INVESTMENT PROFITS THEY DON'T PULL A PAYCHECK FROM WAGES OR SALARYS. INVESTMENT PROFITS ARE MONEY ALREADY EARN AND THE TAXES HAVE ALREADY BEEN PAYED ON THAT IVESTMENT MONEY COMPADRE WHEN YOU CUT CORPERATE TAXS THE COMPANYS HAVE MORE BUYING POWER AND HIRING POWER SO MORE PEOPLE ARE HIRED, MORE WAGES ARE PAYED AND GOODS ARE BOUGHT AND SOLDED THUS MORE TAXS ARE COLLECTED, YOUR TAX BASE IS ENLARGED,THUS MORE TAXS ARE COLLECTED REAGON AND JOHN KENNENDY CUT THE TOP RATES AND THE TAX COLLECTION WENT UP 1/3 WHAT PART OF THIS IS SO HARD TO UNDERSTAND THE MORE MONEY IN THE PRIVATE SECTOR THE MORE GOODS AND SERVICES THAT ARE BOUGHT,THE GOVERNMENT DOES NOT PRODUCE ANYTHING THEY ONLY TAKE ROMNEY GIVES CHARITY OVER 1 MILLION A YEAR ASK JOE AND OBAMA HOW MUCH THEY GIVE

New data from the American Community Survey (ACS) shows 2.2 million more people were living in poverty in 2011 than in 2010. That means, nearly five decades after Lyndon Johnson declared a “War on Poverty,” roughly 1 in 6 people living in America live in poverty.

At the same time, our dependency on government has only increased. According to The Heritage Foundation, prior to the War on Poverty, just 28% of federal spending went toward dependency programs. By 2010, that number had grown to more than 70%.

Although the government-centric policies of the previous half century have failed, many Americans still live under the false impression – perpetuated by self-serving politicians – that Washington is the source of prosperity.

Not only does that run contrary to our nation’s founding principles, it also conflicts with human nature. The anti-poverty programs designed by liberals have done little to promote self-sufficiency and independence; instead, they have served to erode our civil society by making politicians the collective providers-in-chief for their constituents.

During a July fundraiser in Montana, Romney made clear he had no intention of being the provider-in-chief. He said if voters “want more stuff from government tell them to go vote for the other guy-more free stuff.” He wisely added, “nothing is really free.”

Over the next six weeks, as you listen to politicians campaign for your vote, ask yourself one simple question: are they promising me a lifetime of child-like dependency or the opportunity to grow into an independent adult.

Re: romney

Everybody is wanting to drill for oil. Bush would allow drilling anywhere yet gas prices doubled and came close to tripling while he was in office. People can blame the house market and everything else on are financial crisis but bottom line the biggest problem is OIL PRICES. Mitt may allow drilling but he isn't going to lower gas prices he could care less he would probably give our oil to Mexico.

Potlicker you hold a double standard a democratic control legislation was the down fall of bush yet know we a republican controlled its Obama's Fault. The best political strategy for the democrats is to hope Romney keeps talking. Do you really want the Idiot representing our Nation.

P.S. Paul Ryan plans to cut pell grants so that underprivileged kids can not attend college. That will allow them to cut the competition so that they can outsource easier. We our losing the battle globally when it comes to education so lets just fix it so the poor can't attend college. Forgot the land opportunity

Re: romney

until you talk about obamas life history you don't no doodlum from squat, obama has never had a real job, he never had to make payroll, he never ran a company or a business, a community organizer, civil agitator, acorn member. he won't open his college transcripts so everyone can see how he really thinks, when he took office he wasn't qualified to be a dog catcher go see obamas america 2016

Re: romney

Not a very good argument at all (if thats all you got). Obama has held jobs, and has had student loans. He and his wife of faced many of the struggles that working folks face. He identifies with more of the American people than Romney. Obama decided to pursue a career as a civil/community leader instead of working in the private sector. I would vote for someone dedicated to helping others in a heart beat over someone that has made millions causing Americans to lose their jobs and taking their childrens' food off the table. You darn right, I know Obama's history.

Re: romney

you don't no or don't want to no the truth do the research lady don't take my word read ed klein's book the amatuer he's no repub

Re: Full Plate

Poor kids going to college. Now, lets think this out. How can they go, What can they do to prepare?

How about do what i did. I worked in a tobacco field, framed houses, cut grass, probably from the time I was 10-12 or so. Lets see, I worked a full year after high school and saved. You don't have to attend college the first year you get out of high school. I attended a four year school, but I could have went the local Community Collge route for two years and saved even more. It is called a "sense of urgency" not a "sense of dependence". You make your mind up, but your foot down and do it. I am not saying a student loan is not needed, it may well be, but don't get it and waste it on cell phones, stuff you can live without. Eventually you have to pay the loan off and gripe about how you owe this money and could not finish the last year because you ran out of money. College is expensive, those liberal professors make a pile of money.

It can be done.

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