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TRUE GRIT DUDE B. died 09/22/12

Fellow fox hunters, it is with a sad heart that I have to report the death of True Grit Dude B. (BD&L's Terminator ex Prairie Princess B.)

This hound was born April 22, 2003, died 09/22/12 at 9 years old.

This hound was as good as ever eat feed our feed. This hound was bred and train by True Grit kennels in Gallant, AL.

Dude was a hound that my brother and I enjoyed for many years. There are several pups and grandpups to this old hound in our country today.

He was a hound that had speed to run at the front of a race and never showed any signs of quit. Plenty of hunting ability, nose to smell when others couldn't, a mouth that any one could pick out, and would put a fox or coyote to running and didn't need any help.

Ole Dude was a little bit strange in that he was running better at 3 than at 2; he was running better at 4 than at 3, and his best was between 4 and 6 years of age.

I remember when he was about 5 or 6 years old, I had just bred a gyp to him on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, then went hunting with Big Kyle, Papa Doug and Uncle Earl Dunn, we set in on a good night and got after a good running yote, we seen 10 crosses, before midnight ole Dude was running at the front of the race 9 of the 10 crosses. Then, the next morning after daylight ole Dude was still leading the way. Now, let me tell you there was about 18 hounds that night and let me promise there was some really good hounds in this race but ole Dude stood out like a sore thumb.

Big Kyle still run this hound on a regular basis. The last time he had ole Dude out was about 3 weeks ago and the old dog run 10 hours that night.

This hound wore the title TRUE GRIT with pride. He was the product of some really good hounds and his pups are probably as a general rule better than him, seems like the males maybe a little better than the females, but some of them too are pretty good, his grand pups are even better.

This was the last living hound out of my ole Prairie Princess B. female, that I know of any where.

We were hoping to get another litter or two out of him before he died, but his time run out on Saturday morning. I know my brother thought the world of this hound, as much as any he has owned in a long time, he will be a long time before he owns another as good as him.

He was a hound that you could count on, and he would do the same thing evertime he was carried hunting, hot, cold, wet or dry he was the same hound every time, and he will be missed by us but we must True Grit up and go on.

True Grit,
Elmore County, Al
Jonathan Blakeley

Re: TRUE GRIT DUDE B. died 09/22/12

Well said big Jon. I would like to say this about ol Dude if I may, and I am not going to blow up a dead dog.

This hound wasn't your run of the mill, your go alone to get alone type hound. When you cast him he was serious buisness and he would run with or without help. What do you mean by this? I have cast him when he was 9 months old at Samson AL in a pup hunt and he represented me that day with about 45 - 55 hounds present. Chad Mcranie (Primetime Kennel) told me after the hunt without a doubt big K that was the best hound here today but scores didn't reflect that. I cast him in Houlka Ms with over 455 hounds when he was 3years old and on the last days cast of 67 he finished and represented me that day. Between me and Jon we have cast him in 5 differnt on pleasure hunts and field trials EVERYTIME HE DONE HIS JOB! I cast him on the outside with just a few pups and he did his JOB! I NEVER seen him quit, I NEVER seen him look lost! This was a true hound for me as I ran and owned him ALL his life it has been truly a honour to get to feed him, but most of all get to watch and hear him beat hounds away from the crossing when they have through it away. Was he a 27 such and such (F) (D) (B) ch. No not according to the records book but let me tell you this I would rather have ol dude back as I had any ch. that is living today. Why? Because I don't believe that they were tested the way I punished that ol hound. My opinion of course. I do realize there are some faster better hounds than ol dude was but I just don't believe many has put in the hours this ol hound had to put in, as I write this I have tears and goose bumps coming up on me now because I know you all think I am crazy but I am telling you boys this ol hound took more punishment than any hound should ever have to take and WITHOUT any dope!

True Grit Kennel,
Etowah CO
Kyle Blakeley

Re: TRUE GRIT DUDE B. died 09/22/12

Sorry for yall's loss. Sounds like he was a fine hound.

Re: TRUE GRIT DUDE B. died 09/22/12

Sorry to hear this boys I know yall thought Alot of that hound wish I had got to see him at his best because he was at lest 8 before I got to run with yall.
( But I do know this. I never saw him quit!)

Re: TRUE GRIT DUDE B. died 09/22/12


Re: TRUE GRIT DUDE B. died 09/22/12

Hate to hear this, I know what your going through we lost a good-one awhile back. Those hounds that can run a Red Fox or Coyote for hours by their self with no other dog or Fox Hounds.

Re: TRUE GRIT DUDE B. died 09/22/12

I know Big Kyle has suffered a loss at his kennel, but I think the greatest complament made was by Cody Howell, "I never seen him quit".

Cody said he didn't get to see this hound at his best or prime, but saw him when he was around 8 and he never quit, Cody has no reason to lie about it.

The other point I will make is Cody saw him run many all night races at the ole Johnnie Cavin pen (Red Ridge).

Thanks to a real hunter for noticing that ole Dude never quit.

Just maybe Lil Dude that Big Kyle has will prove to be half as good as ole Dude, he is still less than two years old and time will tell if he makes the grade or not.

True Grit,
Jonathan Blakeley