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Our sport

I was wondering bout the sport of fox hunting my folks years ago had hounds. I was wanting to get hounds like my paw paw had years ago. I remember him getting all the work done up early sat morning cause him and the fellows were going hunting that nite. They would all meet be around 10 or 12 ready to run! Sometimes there would be alot of the land ones that would come and listen. But that was the old days cause now people have moved in and bought 5 or 10ars and don't want nothing on them within a mile plain silly . I talked to an old hunter the other day and this is what he had to say. Hunters of today isn't like the were when I was a young man. Now days they think about themselves other than others could it be jealously yes it is! Hunters of today want stick up for there fellow hunter like we did years ago. We used to help one each other do u do that now no rather u are black or white, yellow, green it didn't matter we helped foxhunting years ago was like a brotherhood always happy to see u. Now they don't want u to even show up if u have a better hound. I asked what changed the sport and he said money! U got the rich that only thinks about the rich unless some poor old boy has a good hound they want. Then they talk to the common old boy. Can't take the money with u when u at the good gate trying to get in maybe that poor old boy u wouldn't talk to is in front of u.

Re: Our sport

Tim, the sport you are talking about is still much like it always was just now it has to take place behind the wire most of the time. There are still lots of us left that still go out and build a campfire, put on a pot of coffee and sit around the fire and listen to a fine tuned pack of hounds running a coyote. Like I said, the only difference is that most of the time it has to happen behind the wire which frankly I enjoy very much. No chance of dogs getting lost, or run over, or shot, they usually run closer to you all night, you get to hear pretty much all of the running, and because of the abundance of game in these places, its pretty much wall to wall running all night, and the hounds are much easier to gather up the next morning and like we had to do in the past, we don't have to look for dogs several days later, we usually are able to gather all of them up and get home that next morning.
Now what you are talking about is a different sport. Its not really fox hunting(or coyote hunting), its dog raceing, and that is a different sport all together. Many of the hound owners today are not interested in hearing a nice pack of hounds run game, they do go strickly to outrun the others, to have the first dog to cross the road or opening and they for the most part hunt more in the daytime than night and prefer to run 4 to 6 hrs at a time and yes there is lots of money involved, cash prizes, selling puppies, stud fees, etc, and there is nothing wrong with what these guys are doing but its just a different kind of deal, you are actually comparing an apple to an orange and actually apples and oranges are both good, its just what you like the best.

Re: Our sport

Bro Don,
You might reread your second paragraph. A few might get upset if they didn't know you better and what you many mean. Some of us do it now a little different, but the core principles are still the same as they always have been!! Please do not group all of us in that category, just because we don't let em run 12-14 hours anymore!

PS - i know what you were saying, but some may not and take offense!

Re: Our sport

C D really didn't intend to offend anyone, and I apologize if I did. I tried to make it clear that there was no right or wrong just a matter of what you like to do. Some prefer night hunting and the sound of hounds and many now prefer to run days most of the time shorter hours, and interested in mainly seeing rather than hearing. Not saying anything wrong with either way, its just what fits you best. Sorry if it came across any other way. Also, there is never anytime that there are not exceptions to nearly anything, I'm talking about the majority of the men with hounds, not all. Again, certainly don't want anyone to feel offended. There is plenty of room for all of us.

Re: Our sport

Why is it no one can give an opinion without someone telling them they shouldnt say this or shouldnt say that.The man stated his opinion and is very much correct for the most part.