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Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving weekend, even to all my American friends who celebrate it at the wrong time of year simply because the Pilgrims, who were great foragers but lousy navigators, got off-course for almost two months, throwing everyone's timing south of the 49th to be seven weeks late.

Re: Happy Thanksgiving

Back to you my Friend, AT OUR AGE WHAT IS A FEW DAYS OR WEEKS,
P.S. Wish you could have been in attendance at the get together Sat. A.M.with the nation .

Re: Happy Thanksgiving

Sonny, Sounds like you had a double Thanksgiving -- two turkeys.

Re: Happy Thanksgiving

Not so much like thanksgiving.....It was more like a nice autumn morning when you could see nothing but "RED". . Although there was considerable gobbling going on. After a little time, even the dry branch crew started claiming their dogs were turning red????. It was considerably distracting to watch the dry branch, hi-tech, hounds in action. I believe they were plenty fast,at least there data recorders said that they could run down that pipe line at 12 MPH, That calculator and map they had hanging around their neck was just part of the dry branch training program I was told... . and I think it was starting to work .

Re: Happy Thanksgiving

Rodney, Science has come a long way since the travois.