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There is hope LSU fans!

This message is for Valentine,BJ, The Judge, Goss, Goodling, Tic, Almond, Laramie, and all you other heartbroken fans You all need to keep your head up because the loss to the Gators is not the end of the world I know it hurts cause you can kiss the national championship goodbye.. You had this new quarterback this year and those big backs and a strong defense and the weed smoking blonde haired cornerback who talked smack all year to Bama's quarterback and last time i checked he was in the stands waving pom-pom's O but if you all look into the future and forget what happened yesterday it is full of promise.. For example a hot South Carolina Team is on the menu this weeek and November 3rd you get to play Bama and they look to be about as good or better than last year.. and to top it off you got good ol coach miles keeping it all together So you all hang in there its going to get better Go Tigers!!!!

Re: There is hope LSU fans!

That is a hard line up valentine but not like ur hound power it old and getting week like ace high and ruby

Re: There is hope LSU fans!

I agree with you Kyle, the only sure win we can look forward to is the be-littled pigs!

Re: There is hope LSU fans!

You know its bad when LS-Who is the 3rd best team in the state. Roll Tide!!