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for all obama haters

Google the words"Completely Wrong"

Re: for all obama haters

As a Canadian it doesn't have much of an effect on me at all. But I have to wonder about people that support Obama and complain about Bush when Obama added more to the American defecit in 4 years than Bush did in 8.

Just seems odd to me that people can support that.

2 cents from an outsider.

Re: for all obama haters

Brooke you are trying to get the people that can't even spell the own name to think with logic. If they would just open their eyes they would see they have voted in a man that hates this country. He has done everything in his power to brake this country we can't let him have 4 more years to finish the job.

Re: for all obama haters

Most of the country isn't worried about how much we owe to china they are are worried where the next hand out is coming from (Obama fans) now the ones that worry about our country and the debt it occumulates is hard working American that isn't looking for a hand out ( Romney fans) the reason why I believe the country was great so many years ago is everybody work for everything they had no hand outs you want Our country great again vote for the best person who will get us back to where we was