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Well a lowering unemployment and the highest dow jones in 9 years made you mitt fellows quit talking !!!

Re: Elections

Im union but I won't be voting Obama wake up

Re: Elections

I'm with you Cole. No Obama. And union man that great health insurance plan you got is considered a Cadillac plan under Obama care so get ready to pay out the nose. Read the plan you will see.

Re: Elections

Cole my Son, your inheritance is intact,Please VOTE AND THANKS. BIG DADDY

Re: Elections

Mr Union Man, you will get to see how quiet the Romney people are on Nov 6 when Obama and Biden are gone. Biden sealed their fate last night with his arrogant, low class act!!!!!! Give a dummy enough rope and they will hang themselves and that is exactly what Obummer and Biden did!!!! Won't be long now and they will be gone!!!!!!

Re: Elections

the way it looked to me is the current adm has made a big circus out of the all this, they think its all 1 big joke, they think being a lier is funny, they got blood on there hands, and its all suppose to be a laughing matter!!! thats all rediclious, wonder how they would feel if it was there children that was killed because they to weak to give a diplomat security? and fast and ferious its a big scam also !!!! all lies, is this what the country wants , liers ? i was always taught not to lie cause if u lie u will steal to ! is this what america has come to ? its all abt lies , its scarry living in these days where lies, stealing, and drugs are what alot wants, we all need to pray that gods will, will be done and remove this adm ! obama is a drunk brewing his home brew in our white house and biden wants to be the clown at ringling bros circus !! they are a mockery to our great land

Re: Elections

I can't understand why this administration wants to raise taxes. Steal from the rich and give to the poor. They steal from the rich and give to the lazy. A person works all his or her life and just because he or she done good for thereself Nobama wants to steal from them and give it to people flat out to lazy to work. What's the use in trying if they steal it and waste it. I've worked in the oilfield for 18 years, I've spent more than 9 years of the last 18 years away from my family and things I love to do to keep my job. These lazy people can get a job, but why get one when you can walk out to the mail box and get a free check. Now you can even get a free phone. Cut the free checks and i promise the unemployment rate will go down. One more thing, I watch 4 different news channels, Fox news is the only one that will report about the 4 men that lost there lives to terra attacks last month, now that's sad and Nobama puppets will not say one word about it just because of this election. That Stacy Cutter or what ever her name is needs her face slapped for saying what she said about Romney using this for votes. Dance puppets dance while you can, November is almost here. Romney 2012