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Pups need a ride

Anyone at top gun coming back close to Charlotte NC. I need to get some pups brought back ,if you could help please see Paul West. The only way to contact me is email or a message on here ,I'm out of the country right now . I can have someone meet you on your time frame anywhere close would really help.
Johnny Myers

Re: Pups need a ride

Come on guys help another hunter out if I were home I could pick them up myself I'm out of options.

Re: Pups need a ride

David Bailey and Robin Barefoots numbers are on the top gun sticky post above. Both are from N.C. and know the other hunters from N.C. that are there.

Re: Pups need a ride


Re: Pups need a ride

Those two people are to important to call or try to help you!!!

Re: Pups need a ride

I'm sure they would if they could, we hunters have to stick together

Re: Pups need a ride

Thanks for all the help , maybe he will still have them when I get home and I can pick them up myself.

Re: Pups need a ride

I'm going through Jena on Wednesday headed to south Mississippi if that helps you out any!

Re: Pups need a ride

Thanks for the help but it's not close enough to SC . For the people that can pick them up . I do appreciate you trying to help though .
Thanks ,
Johnny Myers