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Equimax for 6.5 Months Old Pups

Wondering if Equimax is safe enough to administer to six and a half month old pups (young hounds). They are all big, stout, healthy. Anyone use Equimax on this age group of hounds? I have used Panacur liquid, Valblazen, and Nemex II since this litter has been 3 weeks old but no product containing ivermec. I am thinking changing the de-wormers could be a good practice. Thanks.

Re: Equimax for 6.5 Months Old Pups

I just gave some to some 5 1/2 mo old pups. Didn't have any problem with it. Just gave 1/2 as much as I do adult hounds.

Re: Equimax for 6.5 Months Old Pups

How much do u give to a adult dog?

Re: Equimax for 6.5 Months Old Pups

Hunter, Everyone gives 220 pounds worth of the EquiMax horse de-wormer to fully grown hounds. I have used it for years but never gave it to the younger hounds. Seems to be a good product. Lots of people believe that Zimectrin Gold (probably mis-spelled this de-wormer) is better than EquiMax. A tube of EquiMax will worm 6 big hounds at 220 pounds each on the clicker.