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Who's it goin to be?

Right now there are 3 undefeated SEC teams. Bama, Miss State, and Florida. Many teams even though they have lost are still ranked high. So my question is, who is going to pull out top dog this year?

Re: Who's it goin to be?


Re: Who's it goin to be?

Call me narrow minded about it, but I think Mississippi State has what it takes to take Bama.. They need to come on the field with the right mind set unlike what they did last night, set up a defence that can shut Bama's running game down with a man to man coverage on the passing game and they could have a shot.. Anything can happen in the sec!!

Re: Who's it goin to be?

I think it's gonna be a dog fight for Alabama the rest of the way. We're gonna see if they can hold up thru the rest of the SEC schedule having to play Miss St at home and the go to LSU. Once the dust settles I think they'll end up with some injuries to hold them back from making it to Atl. My pick to win the SEC is Florida. National Championship in Miami and its gonna be a good'un with the Gators and the Ducks. That's the way I see it unfolding. I see my Gamecocks playing Mich in the bowls. Go cocks !!!!