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Puppy Shots

Where is the best and most reliable place to order puppy shots online?? I'm tired of losing pups because vaccine hasn't been handled properly at some point in delivery to stores... Any help is appreciated....

Re: Puppy Shots

Had good luck direct overnight from Jeffers

Re: Puppy Shots

Valley Vet The best I have ever used.

Re: Puppy Shots

Kv vet supply

Re: Puppy Shots

Thanks for the info. I have lost 3 really good puppies in the last week and two more have recovered... Those were all around 11-12 wks old... Parvo like symptoms in that they dehydrate and won't eat or drink.. They would stand at water bowl like they wanted to but wouldn't drink... They were not passing the typical parvo bloody runny stuff.. What they were passing was a mucus looking stuff with some blood in it... I have given Albon. They are not wormy and water is changed out daily. I now have 4 that are about 10 wks old that are starting to pass the same junk and the only thing they will eat is canned dog food and small amount of milk replacer.. I did get them to eat some cottage cheese this morning... Any ideas???? I really don't think it is parvo but I could have gotten bad shots... Have since gone to vet and got shots and given.... $12 a shot........... Can't stand alot of that.....

Re: Puppy Shots

coach, when you order shots your ordering the live virus. pups 6 to 12 weeks should not be exposed to live virus until a year old. sounds like you gave your pups destemper which will be the yellowish diareahh combined with all the other symptoms you named. i did the same.nuthin you can do for em, they either make it or they dont. parvo like you said is a bloody stool. i spoke to my vet concerning the same thing and he recommended i buy his non live virus he orders from muriel. charged me 8.00 a shot or 200 for the box. he also recommended i give the gyp a booster when shes in heat. this last group of pups i raised i did jus that and raised all 10. didnt give em a shot till 10 weeks old and had em around other dogs the whole time. i figure they passed the test since i lost 8 the same way 2 mos prior buying shots from feed stores and magazines. the way it seems, you can roll the dice or administer a non live virus and not lose any. you might pay 25 to 30 more but if you give 1 pup destemper from a shot, they more than likely gonna give it to the rest so the extra 25 to 30 is worth it. ask your vet to order you a non live virus. jus my opinion

Re: Puppy Shots

Coach Mac call me and I will tell you what you got and how to cure it