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Master's Youth Hunts

The Masters has embarked in a project for the young hunters, along with support from our great sponsors: The Hunter's Horn, Black Gold Dog Feed, Showtime Dog Feed -Pride Dog Feed- Purina Dog Feed, Speciality Dog Feed, and Johnsons Telemetry to start youth hunts throughout the country.
When kids place in the Field or the bench shows at these hunts, they will be invited to the Master's Banquet for a free meal. recognition, and awards.
The Masters is excited about being a part of this and with our great sponsors, judges, and hunters we know we can make it a success. At the same time some pen owners are stepping up and trying to do their part.
Brenda and I will be handeling the project from inside the Master's but Wayne St. Cere ( Tic ) has stepped up and voluntered to handle the Field side.
He is looking for good folks to head up hunts in each State. if you want to take part, please contact Tic at 1-985-507-7403.
Tic will report to the Masters and he along with the Masters will work to get you going. Thanks for your interest.

Re: Master's Youth Hunts

Thanks Steve,
It is an honor to be part of the Masters Youth Hunts, I'm very excited about getting this going as many of you may know I love field trailing hounds almost as much as anything but being involved an getting the kids involved is very big to me also. The growth of our sport has to come from the next genaration meaning our kids now with that being said I personally don't have kids myself but I love all yalls kids an I treat them as if they were mine that's why I wanted to be a part of this !!!
I know I will need alot of help beside what Steve & Brenda are gonna do to help, so if you willing to help out please call me or email me with ideas that may help this grow also I know there are several people in each state that has kids an what to get involved so please let's get this going ....

Email me @ tic5120@yahoo.com

Re: Master's Youth Hunts

I think this is awesome!! Like you Tic, I love these hounds like nothing, but it's not near as fun without my main man Tyler, and his sister, Kaelee, is starting to go too!! I've been doing this all of my 42 years, all through my childhood, into my teens and now through getting old age!! My dad made it great for me as a kid, and is still my every week hunting buddy too, and this is how it should be.

I am on a couple BOD right now and with work, stretched pretty thin, BUT, if this will get my kids excited and many other kids involved too, then count me in to help and do my part!!!!

I wish there was a like Junior National hunt in every state, Texas Junior Masters!!!

Re: Master's Youth Hunts

For those of you calling in wondering how you can help, the Masters really appreciates this. Your time at these hunts will be priceless, but we all know between jobs and other commitments we can't all be there, but there are things you can do to help alot anyway.
Here are some ideas, send a donation, buy a tricycle, or bicycle,or something along those lines to donate to the hunt in your area. Two or three can get together to do this.
Cookies, cakes, pies anything kids will appreciate and like.
Make sure these hunts are for the kids, think what kids like, and lets fill those needs, sometimes it is the simpliest of things that they will enjoy the most.
Arkansas has been having one for yrs. use them for ideas, call Runt and diff. ones for ideas, they will be glad to help.


Re: Master's Youth Hunts

Kids are the future of this great nation. Hunting is a tradition that needs to be passed down to these kids. Johnson's Telemetry wants to be and needs to be a part of this project.

Tic, you and Steve need to let me know what you need us to do and when and we will do it.

Have some ideas for gifts for the kids, get with me and we can go over it!

Re: Master's Youth Hunts

Thanks Debbie Johnson for your call today and contribution for the youth hunts you have always been a great Sponsor.

Thanks to Purina Feeds for a tremendous contribution towards this undertaking.

And finally for Chris Tillman from out of the blue stepping up with a great contribution.

We had a great day today thanks for all of the support.

To all that have been calling in to help THANKS

Re: Master's Youth Hunts

New Youth Hunts so far:

Mo. and Il. combined Bradlow and Toby

La. Tic--Morgan--Guyotte

Ms. Bird and Kyle

Al. Scott Head

Ga. Andybedgood

N.C.Ray Casteen--David and Robbin

Established Hunts

Ar. Jr. National 50 yr. anniversary this yr.

Fl. Cold Water Youth Hunt

Need a few more states to step up and a few more donations for the kids!

Contact Tic if you want to start one, we can give you some finacial help to help the hunt get started.

We do need some women to take a big part in these hunts as they will get things done.

If you need info, Tic will be glad to get it for you.

Thanks again

Re: Master's Youth Hunts

Yes this is taking off fast, thanks to everyone that's step up to help out with the kids !!!

A few things we need to keep in mind while setting up these hunts:
1. This is for the KIDS first
2. Each hunt will need to set up a Board of Directors
3. Each hunt will need to set up a bank account in order for donations to be sent to.

Steve, you are right about the ladies helping out not only can they get things done they also have good ideas to entertain the kids !!!
Scott head wife Karen is really getting into this from what Scott tells me !!
Morgan we all know you gonna be great to work with ( maybe cooking) lol

Thanks again everyone !!!!


Re: Master's Youth Hunts

Mr. tic and Mr. Steve , i am 15 years old and was wondering if i can still participate in the hunts ? Thanks for any info - kyle

Re: Master's Youth Hunts

You sure can buddy, and I hope u get involved in helping build the one in your area. Good luck,

Re: Master's Youth Hunts

Thank you , i live in sc so i would try but we have to see how the whole pamplico thing works out! If not might try something at paul caskeys!

Re: Master's Youth Hunts

wen is the youth hunt in alabama ?

Re: Master's Youth Hunts

Check with Scott Head, he will have that info

Re: Master's Youth Hunts

First week in April 6th-7th I believe

Re: Master's Youth Hunts

Mr. Scott what age do you have to be? Thanks, Cory

Re: Master's Youth Hunts

Cory 18 and under

Re: Master's Youth Hunts

Thanks Mr. Steve.

Re: Master's Youth Hunts

Cory, i wish you the best of luck with your dogs

Re: Master's Youth Hunts

can someone give me andy bedgoods phone nunber im in ga an would like to help him with this if i can.

Re: Master's Youth Hunts


Master's Youth Hunts

Just an idea to get some feed back on. How many people think it would be a great idea to have a Masters Youth Championship. Take the top 10 places from each Masters Youth Hunt and have something at the end of the year like a two day championship. We could even invite some of the youth to help judge that may not have qualified (with a parent or adult).

Re: Master's Youth Hunts

Sounds Great