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Perry Pond, Scott, Bradlowe, John Hoehner

You boys get you a soft drink, sit down a minute and think back to the times you were getting out of school and shagging it to go fox hunting, or field trialing. A lifetime passes fast, but i know those times are not forgotten.
I know in Il. and Ok. if anyone can get a youth hunt started you three can.
Would appreciate it if you'll would get one going. I promise, the Masters will do our part to help get it going.


Re: Perry Pond, Scott, Bradlowe, John Hoehner

Steve would love to help but we are having problems with the pen owner allowing us to have hunts in his pen. Could help or start a hunt in Missouri if possible.

Re: Perry Pond, Scott, Bradlowe, John Hoehner

Brad, that would be fine, just combine Mo. and Il. and have one. You could even have Whitey be the bench show judge if the kids could stay awake that long

Re: Perry Pond, Scott, Bradlowe, John Hoehner

Bradlow, I have talk to several from Missouri the last couple of days that are willing to help in any way they can ... Im like steve I think if you combine the 2 states you could get a lot more help .. Call me if you need some help bud .

Toby Williamson
Robert meineka
These 2 guys are on board am ready to help put something together

Re: Perry Pond, Scott, Bradlowe, John Hoehner

Talked to Toby today and where going to start making plans for next year

Re: Perry Pond, Scott, Bradlowe, John Hoehner

Bradlow give me a call bud !!!! 985-507-7403