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KNF 2012-2013 Dog Season

I'm hearing all sorts of rumors that we have dog season on KNF for 2012-2013 season, then i hear we don't. Could someone inlighten the public on what is what.

Thanks Glenn

Re: KNF 2012-2013 Dog Season

I am hearing that there will not be dog days on KNF this seasons.

Re: KNF 2012-2013 Dog Season

I would imagine there will be a public announcement following Thursday's LDWF Commission Meeting. The ban was upheld in Washington and I assume the 15 days have passed for the Sec. of Agriculture to reverse it. However, the hunting regs have long been published and distributed. No more dogs for sure after this season but this season may still be up in the air. I'm sure it will be discussed Thursday.

Re: KNF 2012-2013 Dog Season

To clarify everything that happen the last 4 weeks. Yes last month James Pena the reveiwing officer for the cheif of the U.S Forest service ruled in favor of the regional forestor Liz Agapoa's decision to prohibit the use of dogs for deer hunting on the Kisatchie National Forest but with instructions for this to be implemented basically guys & girls he told her that she had the right to stop any activity on the forest but she has to back her claims with actual data & information to implement this decision. As of today a month after being told this Mrs. Agapoa has yet to produce her evidence. I met with are attorney this after noon the LSA will be filing a injuction along with a suit against the U.S Forest Service this week in Federal Court In Alexandria, La. I have spoken to wildlife & fisheries we have the 9 days. Just give everybody a heads ups once we file the injuction it will tie Kisatchie National Forest hands up for the time being. Which means they want be able to stop deer hunting with dogs until a judge rules on case. It's gonna be along battle & I personally want to thank all of you that have giving your time & money to help us fight this. Thank You Trent Hollingsworth