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40 reasons not to vote for obama

1) Obama took 700 billion dollars out of the Medicare program and put it into his wildly unpopular health care program. This is despite the fact that even Obama has admitted,

Medicare in particular will run out of money, and we will not be able to sustain that program no matter how much taxes go up.

Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan will put that money back into the Medicare program where it belongs, while Obama won't.

2) Barack Obama's stimulus plan cost more than the Marshall Plan, the Louisiana Purchase, and putting a man on the moon — combined and it was a complete and utter failure -- more than 800 billion dollars that accomplished nothing of significance.

3) If Barack Obama is re-elected, Obamacare will go into effect in 2014. This will lead to huge doctor shortages, exploding health care costs, companies dropping insurance, death panels, much longer waits to see a doctor, and a dramatic deterioration in the quality of American medical care.

4) Do you believe that your taxes should go up in the next four years? Well, Barack Obama does,

"Nobody’s looking to raise taxes right now. We’re talking about potentially 2013 and the out years." — Barack Obama

5) Even the left-wingers at Politifact admit that Obama broke his promise to cut the deficit in half by the end of his first term.

6) America lost its AAA credit rating for the first time since 1917 on Obama's watch.

7) Even though Barack Obama keeps blaming do-nothing Republicans for his myriad of failures, the Republicans in the House have passed multiple budgets while Barack Obama and the Democrats in the Senate haven't pushed a budget through in the last three years. That's a big deal because passing a budget is one of the most basic duties of Congress. A Congress that can't pass a budget is like a mechanic who can't handle an oil change.

8) Barack Obama called George Bush "unpatriotic" for adding so much to the debt. Yet, Obama added more debt in 3 years and 2 months than Bush did in both terms.

9) "Do you think it’s okay for Barack Obama’s campaign contributors at Solyndra to receive a 535 million dollar government loan, approved by one of Obama’s fundraisers, even though it was known that the company was in trouble and there was an excellent chance it wouldn’t be able to pay back the loan?"

10) Barack Obama is touting his interference on behalf of his union cronies at General Motors and Chevrolet as a big "success." The cost of that "success" for the taxpayers? 25 billion dollars.

11) Obama selected Tim Geithner, a man who was a tax cheat, to be his Treasury Secretary. That's bad enough, but then Obama spent his whole first term lobbying for tax increases and accusing other people of being greedy for wanting to keep more of their own money. When even the Treasury Secretary refuses to willingly pay all of his taxes, maybe the problem is that you're spending too much, not taxing the American people too little.

12) Under the "Cash for Clunkers" program, Obama spent 3 billion so he could buy and destroy perfectly functional cars. This was mind-numbingly stupid, but it was supposed to at least cause a major spike in auto sales and improve gas efficiency. The program is now almost universally recognized as a failure on every count.

13) Barack Obama put an end to NASA's manned space flight. In other words, because of Obama we no longer even have the same capabilities that we had in 1969. Meanwhile, NASA Administrator Charles Bolden says the "foremost" mission of NASA is now Muslim outreach. Yes, really.

14) Despite the fact that Obama had a disastrous first term, he hasn't even put forth a second term agenda. After one of the worst four year runs of any President in American history, Obama's message to the voters is, "Trust my judgment when it comes to deciding what we'll do differently."

15) "If you’ve been successful, you didn’t get there on your own. You didn’t get there on your own. I’m always struck by people who think, ‘Well, it must be ’cause I was just so smart.’ There are a lot of smart people out there. ‘It must be because I worked harder than everybody else.’ Let me tell you something: If you’ve got a business, that–you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.” -- Barack Obama

16) After BP had a massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, Obama exacerbated the crisis and dramatically slowed down the clean-up with his incompetent handling of the whole affair. Obama performed so poorly that even James Carville and Chris Matthews were publicly criticizing him.

17) "No, no. I have been practicing…I bowled a 129. It’s like — it was like Special Olympics, or something." — Barack Obama. Classy!

18) We were told that George W. Bush was a cowboy who was making the world hate us. Yet, as Chuck Norris notes,

The Washington Times reports that, according to a poll by even two left-leaning groups, “A majority of Americans say the United States is less respected in the world than two years ago and believe President Obama and other Democrats fall short of Republicans on the issue of national security.”

In February 2012, Gallup reported that “Americans continue to express much greater dissatisfaction than satisfaction with the United States’ position in the world, and their views have improved little since hitting a low point in 2008.”

19) "But I don’t want the folks who created the mess to do a lot of talking. I want them to get out of the way so we can clean up the mess. I don’t mind cleaning up after them, but don’t do a lot of talking." — Barack Obama. In 2008, Barack Obama ran as a moderate, bipartisan reformer who was going to change the tone in Washington. He has governed as a hyper-partisan, arrogant, divisive, polar opposite of the man he pretended to be in 2008.

20) Although liberals and conservatives disagree on who's to blame for Obama's poor performance as President, there seems to be general agreement that he hasn't done very well. Of course, you can't tell Obama that.

Oprah: What grade would you give yourself, for this year?

Obama: Um, good solid B+

…Oprah: So B+, what could you have done better?

Obama: Well B+ because of the things that are undone. Health care is not yet signed. If I get health care passed we tip into A minus.

21) Despite claiming to be in favor of traditional marriage to get elected, Barack Obama betrayed Christians by coming out in favor of gay marriage.

22) The First Amendment rights of the Catholic Church are being violated under Obamacare. Despite its long recognized religious opposition to contraceptives and abortifacients, Obama is demanding that Catholic hospitals go against their faith to remain open. Every last Catholic bishop in the United States opposes Obama's anti-Christian policy and it will likely lead to numerous Catholic hospitals shutting down if Obama is re-elected.

23) Barack Obama despicably played the race card by telling Hispanic Americans that Republicans were their "enemies."

And if Latinos sit out the election instead of saying, we’re gonna punish our enemies and we’re gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us, if they don’t see that kind of upsurge in voting in this election, then I think it’s gonna be harder – and that’s why I think it’s so important that people focus on voting on November 2.

The President of the United States shouldn't be trying to pit different groups of Americans against each other based on the color of their skin.

24) "The Cambridge police acted stupidly in arresting somebody when there was already proof that they were in their own home. . . . What I think we know — separate and apart from this incident — is that there is a long history in their country of African-Americans and Latinos being stopped by law enforcement disproportionately, and that’s just a fact." — Barack Obama on the arrest of his friend, Henry Louis Gates.

25) The "Justice Department" helped put guns in the hands of drug cartels via Operation Fast and Furious that were used to kill hundreds of Mexican citizens and at least one American, Brian Terry. After stonewalling a congressional investigation, Barack Obama asserted executive privilege to try to keep the truth from coming out about the biggest scandal since Watergate.

26) We essentially have an open borders policy in America now for illegal aliens who haven't committed felonies in the United States.

27) Barack Obama is illegally trying to implement the DREAM Act by fiat, despite the fact that it failed to get through Congress.

28) The fence on our southern border was supposed to be completed in 2009. Not only has it not been completed, but the virtual fence has been put off until at least 2016.

29) Because Barack Obama is so out of touch, he thinks that "the private sector is doing fine.".

30) Obama has blocked the keystone pipeline and ANWR while he has held up offshore drilling in the Gulf and demonized oil companies. It's hard to say how much more you're paying at the pump because of Barack Obama, but we can be sure the amount is considerable.

31) In 2011, nearly 1 in 7 Americans were on food stamps. Is setting a record for putting the most Americans on food stamps really the sort of achievement that should merit a second term?

32) Despite the billions of dollars that were spent on TARP, U.S. home ownership is at a decade long low. So is the number of Americans who say their home is worth more than they paid for it. Home prices are the lowest they’ve been since 2002.

33) The staggering cost of the new regulations that the Obama Administration has implemented on American businesses over the last 3 1/2 years? 84 billion dollars.

34) Obama sent BILLIONS of dollars of YOUR TAX DOLLARS overseas as part of the stimulus package. The stimulus may have been a complete failure here in America, but I'm sure the companies in China, Spain, and South Korea sure loved pocketing our money.

35) In a more competent administration, what happened with Johnson Controls, Inc would have been a big scandal. That company was given 300 million dollars of stimulus money and used it to create.....150 jobs. That's 2 million dollars per job created. Unfortunately, the Obama Administration has performed so poorly, in so many ways, that this minor disaster has barely even been a blip on the radar.

36) George W. Bush started the TARP program, but Barack Obama supported the program, continued it, and made it worse. The cost of bailing out all those "too big to fail" fatcats who wanted capitalism on the way up and socialism on the way down? At least 34 billion dollars of taxpayer money although that dramatically understates the real cost because many banks paid back the TARP money with other funds that they received from the government.

37) We've had the longest streak of above 8% unemployment under Barack Obama since the Great Depression. Meanwhile, according to the Obama Administration, his stimulus bill was supposed to have produced 5.6% unemployment by now.

38) The terrible jobless numbers don't really give you a sense of how badly Obama has done as President because those who quit looking for jobs are no longer counted in the numbers. We've had the most rapid decline in labor force participation in recent history under Obama -- from 65.7% in 2009 to 63.7% in 2012.

39) Under Barack Obama's leadership, we've had the weakest economic recovery of any country, anywhere in the world since 1970

40) "Look, I’m at the start of my administration. One nice thing about the situation I find myself in is that I will be held accountable. You know, I’ve got four years. And, you know, a year from now I think people are going to see that we’re starting to make some progress. But there’s still going to be some pain out there. If I don’t have this done in three years, then there’s going to be a one-term proposition." -- Barack Obama on the economy in February of 2009

by john hawkins

Re: 40 reasons not to vote for obama

If you ever wondered which side of the fence you sit on, this is a great test!

If a Republican doesn't like guns, he doesn't buy one.

If a Democrat doesn't like guns, he wants all guns outlawed.

If a Republican is a vegetarian, he doesn't eat meat.

If a Democrat is a vegetarian, he wants all meat products banned for everyone.

If a Republican is homosexual, he quietly leads his life.

If a Democrat is homosexual, he demands legislated respect.

If a Republican is down-and-out, he thinks about how to better his situation.

A Democrat wonders who is going to take care of him.

If a Republican doesn't like a talk show host, he switches channels.

Democrats demand that those they don't like be shut down.

If a Republican is a non-believer, he doesn't go to church.

A Democrat non-believer wants any mention of God and religion silenced.

If a Republican decides he needs health care, he goes about shopping for it, or may choose a job that provides it.

A Democrat demands that the rest of us pay for his.

If a Republican reads this, he'll forward it so his friends can have a good laugh.

A Democrat will delete it because he's "offended".

Re: 40 reasons not to vote for obama


In the final weeks of campaign a series of failures and scandals involving green energy companies that received large sums of money from the federal government is calling into even greater question President Obama's second term agenda.

We already know that President Obama hates oil. In 2007, he compared oil to the worst atrocities of the 20th century, saying "the country that faced down the tyranny of fascism and communism is now called to deal with the tyranny of oil." In 2007 he promised to "end the age of oil." And in his Iowa caucus victory speech he promised he'd be the president "who harnesses the ingenuity of farmers, scientists, and entrepreneurs to free this nation from the tyranny of oil once and for all."

When he came into office, one of the President's first acts was to throw $90 billion at green energy companies as part of the stimulus. The Department of Energy got billions to loan green startups. The Treasury got $9 billion to give away for green projects. And the Department of Labor got $500 million to administer a "green jobs" training program.

All of this "investment", President Obama told us, would lead to a rebirth of America and a new clean energy economy.

Instead, the President's top-down, reckless approach to financing exotic technologies wasted tens of billions of taxpayer dollars, enriched political allies, and failed miserably at creating jobs.

Two breaking scandals within the last 24 hours highlight the astonishing failure of the Obama green energy agenda.

Scandal #1: Senior Department of Energy Official Recognizes Loan Recipients Likely To Be Losers

The Washington Examiner reported today that a senior Energy official helping to oversee the Department's Loan Program made a remarkable confession in an email to colleagues.

The email authored by Jim McCrea, a "senior government executive working on President Obama's clean energy loan program at the U.S. Department of Energy," read in part:

"I really cannot fathom how one figures out whether a loan to a PV [photovoltaic (solar)] manufacturer is being made to one that will survive. Everything about the business argues for the failure of many If not most of the suppliers.... All in all in the solar field, I think it is extremely easy to pick losers and l really do not know how to pick winners."
McCrea was a senior official engaged in credit analysis at the DOE's Loan Program Office. More than 80 percent of the DOE loan guarantees were for solar. So this is really all you need to know about the President's flagship stimulus program: even the people charged with running it recognized these companies were very likely to fail. But how could anyone, including the President, have believed any different? As the House Oversight Committee found, 22 out of 26 companies that got DOE loans had "JUNK" ratings at the time of the loan.

Scandal #2: The $500 million "green jobs" training boondoggle

Yesterday, the Department of Labor Inspector General issued a report on the Department's $500 million green jobs training program -- a project financed with stimulus money. The Inspector General found the program had been an abysmal failure, successfully placing just 11,000 people in permanent jobs (16 percent of the goal). The training was superficial -- 20 percent of the programs were just one day long, and half were less than five days long. More than half of those trained already had jobs and, according to the IG, "we found no evidence that they needed green job training."

An earlier report by the Department of Labor IG found that many of the grants for green jobs training went to political allies of the Obama administration -- like the $1.5 million to La Raza, which successfully placed zero people in permanent jobs, and the BlueGreen Alliance (the largest labor unions and environmental groups), which got $3 milliion but got employment for only 230 people.

In that assessment, the Department of Labor Inspector General said there was “no evidence” the programs financed would “effectively use the funds and deliver…employment outcomes.” The IG recommended recouping any of the remaining funds that could not “realistically” be used to place workers in green jobs “given the current demand for green job-related skills and the job market for green jobs.”

In other words, the President's imaginary green jobs haven't materialized.

What's amazing about all this news is that green energy is still at the heart of President Obama's hollow second term agenda. Despite the obvious failure of his plans and the billions of taxpayer dollars wasted, he's sticking to his guns. That tells us something about the reflection he's put into his first term failures -- not much.

Re: 40 reasons not to vote for obama

Lets for romney and send the rest of what is made in america oversea's next to romneys companys.Do i think obama is right.... hell no but bush screwed alot of this up and we know obama probally cant fix it??? But do you really think romney is good

Re: 40 reasons not to vote for obama

Well Romney had an actual job, and knows how a business is run. If the democrats didn't regulate companies out of this country, more would stay. It's not just the cheap labor it's the taxes and permits and other crap. The regulations for businesses in this country are rediculious. When exactly do we quit blaming Bush? Obama has done more damage than Bush did. I don't know that Romney is the answer but we can't stand for another 8 trillion more dollars of debt. I know one thing, I'm ready for this **** election to be OVER.

Re: 40 reasons not to vote for obama

Steve my young buddy,TO ANSWER YOUR QUESTION, HELL YES, Romney is ten times better than Obama,Please man look at what HE has done to the things that we Americans love,OBAMA IS NOT WHAT AMERICA BELIEVES IN,Please put political party lines aside and do the right thing. your Friend Sonny

Re: 40 reasons not to vote for obama

The rich is the only one thinking of Rooney when he's done we want be able to pay for a soda with the taxes to high

Re: 40 reasons not to vote for obama

Jason i knew you was going to jump all over it we all know your for the rich while the working man gets kicked in the nuts.sonny i always listen to my elders im not as i postedgonna argue that obama is good for us his actions have spoke for there self.I guess we can by all our **** from china work for a non union rat outfit with no healthcare or even better retirement plan but hell who would want a 90 year old man busted to hell setting iron or steel 30 ft above them because he cant retire cause the rat company paying this poor old man just cant justify selling one of there yachts or country clubs were there gay Senator friends play just the tip in the closet.

Re: 40 reasons not to vote for obama

Steve your right about some of your points. Most rich owmers will work you for nothing give you nothing more than what they are forced to furnish you. the other counties the big companies send our jobs to do it for the money in there pockets not the workers over here. Does anybody know who Potlicker is ?

Re: 40 reasons not to vote for obama

hahahahaha You are a funny cat Steve, "I'm for the rich". I dont know how you figure all of that. I'm for people that want to better theirselves and their lives by working hard and making something for themselves. I'm not for someone busting their butt and the government taking half of it and giving it to somebody that doesn't want to work, or ******* it away on a stimulus to build a 5 million dollar dog park in Dallas, Tx. (look it up) Who do you think pays for that stuff? (taxpayers I think?) How many businesses are going to put people on part time to avoid paying for health insurace? (it's already happening, thanks Obamacare) I don't know what you mean about listening to my elders, I can't find anyone around here that will speak up for The Obamanation. I see you throw the union stuff in there, haha I don't even want to go there. One thing is for sure, everyone wants to talk down on Ryan's Social security and medicare plans, but if there isn't reform and we stick with the current system, it will be gone in like 10 yrs. Keep drinkin that look at Obama's record cool aid Steve, even he can't run a campaign on it. My five years in the Marine Corp all I could think about was keeping the rich man rich. LOL

Re: 40 reasons not to vote for obama

It's insane to me that we are even having this argument! Are you people serious? I'm only 27 years old and I haven't gone through what a lot of you may have but even thinking about voting for this communist is crazy. My grandpa was a hardcore democrat all of his life but he came to me the other day and said there is no way a true American can vote for this man, but here we are, on a website that suppose to be full of good ole boys that love to hunt and some of y'all still taking up for this idiot. Where has common sence gone. He is not for the working class, he's for the bums that sit on a milk crate all day n drinking malt liquor n waiting on a check. You can't down people for having money, yea some may have got it in the wrong ways but what about the ones that busted there a$$ to get it. Should we take there money n give it to the ones that are holding there hands out? Have y'all not seen in a supermarket someone walk up to the register pushing two buggys full of grocerys talking on a new I phone then go get in a Cadillac whith rims bigger than the car. I know some of you are to ignorant to understand but if we can change a few peoples minds atleast well cancel your democratic vote!!

Happy hunting
God bless america

Re: 40 reasons not to vote for obama

Who is Potlicker?

Re: 40 reasons not to vote for obama

I have good news for all the Obama supporters on here. Ignorance is not fatal. You will survive even if America dosen't.

Re: 40 reasons not to vote for obama

If Mitt wins he will send every company he can overseas : just like he has done for years!! Everything he did as governor was done on federal aid!! You boys that are deer dog hunting get ready to kiss all that goodbye: Ryan is a still hunter and so is all of the top 2%!!! We need another Jimmy Hoffa to come in and kick a few asses to make this a working mans country again!! Union all the way!!!!

Re: 40 reasons not to vote for obama

Anyone who votes for obama is DUMB plain an simple and to Loveless u never cease to amaze me haha

Re: 40 reasons not to vote for obama

Mr Hackett, don't play nice. There idiots and un-American to vote for husane! I have three young kids and I just hope for there sake this commy is not elected again!!


Due to large voter turnout all republicans vote election day. Democrats, the day after. Make sure to let all democrats know this!

Re: 40 reasons not to vote for obama

It sounds to me that the unions are becoming more like CULTS than a business.
They sure have some guys brain washed to the point that these guys could vote against This great country. I do belive that if Obama wins we will see our sport gone before the end of his second term. We will have so many rules and regulations put into place that we will not be able to run our hounds. Guys this scares me.

Re: 40 reasons not to vote for obama

Mike, I could be wrong but I think Florida had a Repulican Governor and Republican controlled house and senate when they banned foxpens, The Republicans have controlled the Florida house and senate since 1996. How is brain washed

Re: 40 reasons not to vote for obama

If mitt and ryan are elected you can kiss deer hunting with dogs goodbye!! ryan is a tree hugger and the middle class will not be able to afford a lease!!

Re: 40 reasons not to vote for obama

So someone tell me were NOT gona loose anything if nobama is put back in they say a blind hog can find acorns well ain't no doubt some of y'all are blind u mite wanta practice your rooting skills because if that no count SOB gets back in you mite have to whip up a batch of acorn stew and the dogs will have to fend for there self!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: 40 reasons not to vote for obama

i wonder how some can think this man does a good job ? this mans views are so far out its scarry all he wants is for everybody to be the same, just not here all over the world, he's a communist u dont believe that look at who his mentars are all communist, where has the american dream gone? out the door or its abt to, i aint saying rommney is the best but its all we have, obamma stands with ****** how many on here will make there stand with a gay, i know i wont, and how many love ur mother and father, that might be pushing over 60, Well if u do enjoy them now cause when obama care comes into effect there healthcare is gone, a man thats 30 needs a liver, and a man thats 65 needs 1 the death board is gona pick who gets it and it wont be the 65 year old , our seniors are gona suffer for some nuts way out left views !!! voted this morn and it sure wasnt for obummer the ***** loving communist, that hate our seniors,

Re: 40 reasons not to vote for obama

Brian i havent read any post thats screams obama rules he came into a very messed up situation had has probally made it worse.Romney is not the answer.The only answer wojld be clinton think about he came from arkansas fixed the first bush idiots work and then his son destroyed it.And this is a fact he isnt ***** and this country was strong.

Re: 40 reasons not to vote for obama

Your classy !!!!

Re: 40 reasons not to vote for obama

Thank you

Re: 40 reasons not to vote for obama

loveless you are nuts. i do not agree with you on bush, obama, and romney. i think obama is bad for our country and bad for our future in our hunting sport. we can disagree and still be friends and i will still feed you some crawfish when you come south. will also put it on you with the hounds. have a good day.

Re: 40 reasons not to vote for obama

chase i fully agree with your post. have a good day.

Re: 40 reasons not to vote for obama

I agree Worm. The Republicans got their people drinking that memory loss kool aid. They have forgot about Florida already. I cant understand why so many people hate Unions or is it JEALOUSY. I got health insurance, retirement and I also pay into a fund that covers my health insurance and my wifes health insurance when I retire so that I don't have to pay anything for health insurance when I retire. The non union side of my company has health insurance and retirement, but they have to pay for their insurance when they retire. If Unions are so bad then why doesn't the company offer the non union employees the same benefit. I might add that this isnt some small company that is just getting by they are a fortune 500 company with 17,000 employees. It never ceases to amaze me that the Republicans and Ceo's think that the everyday working man doesn't need a contract but every one of these Ceo's of these big companies has some kind of contract. But they think that a working man shouldnt.

Re: 40 reasons not to vote for obama

steve loveless
Brian i havent read any post thats screams obama rules he came into a very messed up situation had has probally made it worse.Romney is not the answer.The only answer wojld be clinton think about he came from arkansas fixed the first bush idiots work and then his son destroyed it.And this is a fact he isnt ***** and this country was strong.

Just give it 4 more years. You'll get Clinton back in the White House.

Re: 40 reasons not to vote for obama

We better start praying. I read today that with the bush tax cuts expiring and obamacare being implemented that the average worker can expect their taxes to go up $4,000 a year. That is rediculous. Obama's energy exploration has caused drilling to slack, more oil importation, corn being used for fuel in a time of drought. We are no more energy independent either. This has caused the price of gasoline to stay over $3.00/gallon, everything that has corn in it to skyrocket, and families to not travel. His plans have dampened our economy.

I joined the work force in 2000. Every year my income grew and my 401k grew. Since January 2009, I have made less money each year due to our company having to cut overtime instead of employees. Right now I am on the verge of having to quit the sport I love so I can give the government more money that I EARNED so they can give it to somebody they think deserves it more than I do. Check out socialist countries and see how many people are happy to be living there.

People, we better start praying hard. I am not sure this land can stand 4 more with this socialist administration driving the car. You folks think the republicans that shut down fox pens down in Florida are liberal. Wait til the HSUS takes their fight nationwide. This administration won't do anything to stop them. I would rather have a deer hunter that climbs a tree on my side than a person that wants more gun control through th UN fighting against me.

Re: 40 reasons not to vote for obama

We better start praying. I read today that with the bush tax cuts expiring and obamacare being implemented that the average worker can expect their taxes to go up $4,000 a year. That is rediculous. Obama's energy exp

Re: 40 reasons not to vote for obama

Amen,great post.

Re: 40 reasons not to vote for obama

Well I hate to tell you die hard democrats Clinton is not in the White House so do not compare him to obama cause obama is the worst leader in history and it is just half over wait another four years and then you will be cussing him like other folks. He did not push any kind of gun control the first four because he knew he would not get relected if he did but now you will see a push for it so do not be surprised when it happens and for as the republicans would stop dog hunting you need to wake up it's being stopped every year now. WAKE UP AND SMELL THE STINK WEED CAUSE THE SMELL OF ROSES ARE GONE.

Re: 40 reasons not to vote for obama

Our Deviant Society

Nov 07, 2012

Here's one usage of the term gentleman: The gentleman helped the fallen lady to her feet. Here's another, one we might hear from a newscaster or a police spokesman: Tonight we report on the arrest of two gentlemen who raped, and murdered an 80-year-old woman.

During earlier times, to be called a gentleman meant one was honest, brave, courteous and loyal. Today "gentleman" is used interchangeably in reference to decent people and the scum of the earth.

Much of today's language usage demonstrates a desire to be nonjudgmental. People used to shack up; now they cohabit or are living partners. Few young women of yesteryear would have felt comfortable to publicly declare they slept around. Unmarried women used to give birth to a *******; later, this was upgraded to an illegitimate birth or a nonmarital birth. In many instances, unwed mothers proudly hold baby showers celebrating their illegitimate offspring, and the man, if known, who sired the baby is referred to as "my baby's daddy" or sometimes as "my baby daddy."

Homosexual marriages, which are not a basic human survival trait, were unheard of; today, in some jurisdictions, homosexual marriages have legal sanction. To be judgmental about modern codes of conduct is to risk being labeled a prude, racist, sexist or a homophobe. People ignore the fact that to accept another's right to engage in certain peaceable, voluntary behavior doesn't require moral acceptance or sanction.

Another measure of social deviancy is reflected by the excuses and apologies that are made for failures and how we make mascots out of social misfits, such as criminals and bums. The intellectual elite tell us that it's poverty or racism that produces criminals, as opposed to a moral defect. We call bums homeless people. That suggests a moral equivalency between people who have lost their homes in a fire or natural disaster and people who choose to be social parasites; therefore, neither group is to be blamed for its respective condition. People who are very productive members of our society, such as the rich, are often held up to ridicule and scorn.

Think back to former President Bill Clinton's affair with Monica Lewinsky and the nation's response that "it was just about sex." Therefore, it was no big thing for the president and his men to become involved in witness tampering, perjury, obstruction of justice and a White House-organized attack on Kenneth Starr, an officer of the court. Most Americans thought removal from office was too harsh for Clinton's lawlessness.

That kind of lawlessness helped establish a precedent for lawless acts by President Barack Obama. His most recent was an executive order that suspended legal liability for young people who are brought to our country illegally by their parents. He also repealed the legal requirement that welfare recipients must work, by simply redefining "work" to include other things, such as going to classes on weight control. Then there are waivers from Obamacare for favored allies -- waivers that offend the principle of equality before the law.

Whether the president's actions were good or bad ideas or not is irrelevant. What's relevant is whether we want to establish a precedent whereby a president, who has no constitutional authority to repeal parts of congressional legislation, can grant special favors and rule by presidential decree like Third World tyrants.

I don't hold President Obama completely responsible for his unconstitutional actions. It's the American people who are to blame, for it is we who have lost our morality and our love, knowledge and respect for our Constitution, laying the foundation for Washington tyranny. It is all part and parcel of "defining deviancy down," which is the term former U.S. Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan coined in 1993 to describe how we've switched from moral absolutes to situational morality and from strict constitutional interpretation to the Constitution's being a "living document." Constitutional principles that do not allow one American to live at the expense of another American are to be held in contempt. Today's Americans have betrayed the values that made us a great nation, and that does not bode well for future generations. OBAMA'S AMERICA