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need some help,thanks

was out running at night about three weeks ago and noticed one of my dogs ears had a couple of scabs on the under side, cleaned it up and gave him some peniciline and 1cc of ivenmectin, was getting a little better but now seems to be getting worse, when i scrape off the scabs it takes off the hair with it, it was small little scabs but now one big scab. mange?? thanks for the help.

Re: need some help,thanks

May be a fungus. Does your dog have those little spots elswhere? Have had it in the past... Don't remember who told me this but it was on here... Old English Furniture Polish used plentifully on the spots will help... It worked on mine... Also Vitamin E...

Re: need some help,thanks

he did have a spot on top of his front foot that i thought was maybe the same thing, i will try some old english polish and let you know, thanks for the help!!

Re: need some help,thanks

yes i believe i had the same problem started out with small scabs asked around alot some said sodiun idione would help if i could find some but didnt so i started bathing them with medicated shampoo seemed to help with the scabs but like you said everywhere there was scabs they lost thier hair it is a skin fungus vet gave me Cephalexin 500mg was not expensive faster u start antibodics the better i wish i would have started them eairly than i did but i didnt think it would get bad i was wrong

Re: need some help,thanks

It is a bacterial infection that dogs contract. Best way to cure - Fish Flex Forte (Cephalexin) 500 mg, broad-spectrum antibiotic containing cephalexin. Website to order http://www.vetdepot.com/fish-flex-forte-cephalexin-500-mg-100-capsules.html After about 10 days the scabs will be gone & you'll be good to go

Re: need some help,thanks

Kayla, I'm sure you are correct... The remedy I gave is just the old poor boy's way.... Ha How are ya'll doing? Enjoyed visiting with ya'll at Kelly's and watching your pups....

Re: need some help,thanks

thank you for the fast replies and all the help!! very help full!!