
Official Website of the Foxhunters Hall of Fame

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Question for Leader Board

I am new to 3 days and was wondering if there was a registration fee for the leader board and is everyone qualified if they HGA in a 2 or 3 day automatically? If so do the dogs have to be registered to be eligable or just Litter Enrolled? Do the same rules apply to the Black Gold Hunters Horn?

Re: Question for Leader Board

A hound is not required to participate in the Leaderboard, if you place your hound in a 3-day, 2-day, or 8 hour hunt which is either National or Masters affiliated with an advertisement of the hunt being in the previous months Hunters Horn along with a $25 "per hunt" leaderbard fee your hound will get points and will be elidgable for 'Hound of Year' points and also be qualified for The IRHC, World Cup, and AIRHC hunts. But, in order for you to get 'Kennel of the Year' points you must register your kennel name.

Re: Question for Leader Board

The Hunters Horn, Black Gold, Johnson's Telemetry , Showtime Feeds, and The Pride Dog Food all donate generously to The Leaderboard program.

At this time, with the sponsors we have, the dogs are not required to be registered.

We strongly believe the hunters should support the sponsors that support them.

The hunts are required to do a few things, there is a $30 fee for the Leaderboard - which partly goes back to the hunters as well. And the hunt must run a 1/4 page ad in the Horn.

The full rules are posted on both the Masterfox and Speeddogs sites.

Good Luck.