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Puppy Hunt Results from Nov. 3rd


1ST PLACE: 2135 pts. #22 Sheramie's Saphire (Woods Luke x Lil Bit) Delozier's Foxhound Kennels
2ND PLACE: 1880 pts. #99 Delozier's Lil Cheetah (Woods Luke x Lil Bit) Delozier's Foxhound Kennels
3RD PLACE: 1785 pts. #1 BJ Delozier's Silver Bullet (Woods Luke x Lil Bit) Delozier's Foxhound Kennels
4TH PLACE: 1575 pts. #7 Gracie's Loretta Lynn (BJ Delozier's Blade x Delozier's Jucy Lucy) Delozier's Foxhound Kennels
5TH PLACE: 1320 pts. #16 Diamond D (Woods Luke x Lil Bit) Johnny Willis
6TH PLACE: 1200 pts. #19 Wascom's Gump (Wascom's Obama x Colyell Annie) Chad & Lionel Wascom
7TH PLACE: 1035 pts. #13 Wascoms Hateful (Wascom's Obama x Roxie) Chad & Lionel Wascom
8TH PLACE: 1005 pts. #9 Chick-N-Black (Prevost's Ammo x Prevost's Cheetah) Blew-By-U-Kennels
9TH PLACE: 950 pts. #14 Poision Ivy (CB Big Red x Breauxs Fancy) Poke-N-Hope
10TH PLACE: 950 pts. #5 Wascom's Big Sexy (Wascom's Obama x Turner's Sally) Chad & Lionel Wascom

Thanks to all who came out..Special thanks to all my judges..Murphy @ my brother Dennis for mastering the hunt.
Please remember the family of BoBo Ebarb in your prayers..

Re: Puppy Hunt Results from Nov. 3rd

congrats on the big win willie

Re: Puppy Hunt Results from Nov. 3rd

dam willie you didnt just beat these wannab puppy hunters.you embarassed them worst than ever.you got it going on my friend;ole luke is the real deal.looks like wascom and pok it hop got runned over by the long luke train blahahahablahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Puppy Hunt Results from Nov. 3rd

Those Christmas puppies run good don't they willie?

Re: Puppy Hunt Results from Nov. 3rd

They run **** good willie knows what he is doing with them dogs placed all the Way to fourth place that's really good Willie congrats my friend and that number 16 dog did good to that sure was a good hunt

Re: Puppy Hunt Results from Nov. 3rd

it must be nice to get away with back dating pups as long as you have.i guess i might have to do the same thing. those pups had to have been started at 2 months old with milk still dripping out of there mouths.

Re: Puppy Hunt Results from Nov. 3rd

Of course if somebody dominates they must be backdating! If y'all are so sure that the pups are back dated, then be proud enough about it to put your name on here and do something about it. If not, reach down there and discover if you still have a set or not. If you can't run with em, work harder or just quit. Too many cry baby, tittie baby, low life, crap stirring computer hunters on here. And until somebody starts calling out the ones who do it, it's never gonna stop because undoubtably they don't have enough pride or enough balls to stop on their on. Personally I think it's not enough balls, but to each his own. Congratulations on the win Willie. And congratulations to everybody that placed. Really fast pups at this one!

There comes a point where you have to ask yourself if your helping the sport or hurting it. But obviously you don't have the ability to tell right from wrong anyway if your trying to run down a man from a pathetic no-named post! Hit boys! I'm putting myself out there in the open. Something has to happen.

Re: Puppy Hunt Results from Nov. 3rd

Good post JoJo. Congrats Willie D on your win.

Re: Puppy Hunt Results from Nov. 3rd

jojo are you really that nieive and your saying that nobody else works as hard. come on man open your eyes. its not a sport anymore.

Re: Puppy Hunt Results from Nov. 3rd

I understand that other people work just as hard. I also understand that sometimes you get an incredible group of puppies and put the time in with them at the right pens and it shows. I'm not saying that know for 100% that any puppy that anyone puts in any hunt is the right age. I'm saying that if you have to hide behind a fake name to make the post about a man, then you are either just guessing about the age and running his name down, or your too afraid of him to put your name if you do know something. Man up is what I'm saying. And that's to a lot of people on here. Just MAN UP! This is getting worse than a bunch of middle school girls. I'll stand up for and by anybody that will put their name if they are doing something that is for the better of this sport. Just man up!

Re: Puppy Hunt Results from Nov. 3rd

First off I wanna thank Mr. Danny Ray for putting on another first class hunt as always, an also thanks to Mrs. Cathy for the awesome lunch................2nd thanks to all the different hunters who called me,posted on here, an/or shook my hand to congrat US on this win..I have wanted to win a hunt at this pen for a long time.This win was very special to my family an I an no other win has or will ever make me feel the way I do about this one.....3rd Im not gone make a funny on the hunters (just yet) that are making these false/noname post bashing me an my puppies..I know who's doing most of the bashing an it ain't just one person...I understand that nobody likes to lose, but fellows your in the wrong sport if you think you can win them all.....These puppies im running right now are off one of my brood gyps(Desoto's Lil Bit).She was the first gyp I bred to Luke after I bought him.She came in a couple weeks after I brought him home in late January of this year so do the math,investagate it ,or what ever you'd like an in the end you'll see Im telling the truth....I've been sitting back minding my own business an im asking you nicely not to bash my program as I have'nt bashed yours...If your that scared to run against these babies again then stay your scary azzes at home with mama cause Im here to stay!!!

Re: Puppy Hunt Results from Nov. 3rd

Amen on that Willie I seen them puppies run at that hunt they looked really young to be to old but congrats on the hunt man

Re: Puppy Hunt Results from Nov. 3rd

Were they born December 1st or 2nd?

Re: Puppy Hunt Results from Nov. 3rd