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Potlicker I was just wandering what you thought about the election last night ? And if you happen to know just how bad gov Romney got his rear kicked. LoL!!!!!

Re: Potlicker


Re: Potlicker

really hurts the mega rich pride when they are showen they cant have something they have bought and paid for.

Re: Potlicker

I am really just curious to see who is gonna be first in line to get this RFID chip inserted in their arm. I would be willing to bet some of you Obama supporters don't even know what I am talking. You may want to google it but I guess it's to late now any way.

Re: Potlicker

Hes not the anti christ but i do belive hes the setup man and were in the 7th inning the good Lord works in mysteriuos ways and if it takes the USA to fall before it repents then so be it but whatever takes place i know hes hand is allowing it

Re: Potlicker

I saw where the Republicans spent 90 million more than the democrats when all they had to do was get somebody to cut the tape recorder off and tell Mittens to shut up about poor people because there are a whole lot more poor people than wealthy. The one thing that the poor have that is the same as a rich man's is a VOTE!

Re: Potlicker

Union man. The union sucks ass. I have Ben a member of the Steel and now the UTU for the last 12 years and they have screwed me more than the company ever have. So don't go bragging cause I pay 100 a month for them a holes to tell me the company can do that. All I see out of my union dues is some fat bald head guy living it up at a convention at my expense.

Re: Potlicker

When 47% live off government do you really expect them to vote to get off their ass, get a job, pay their way? Hell no! Basically all ole bamboo had to do was get 4% of the vote. The system is flawed! Shouldn't take a democrat or republican to see that. Hope n change! Ha ha!

Re: Potlicker

Union Man....Where has common sense gone? Unions are supported by a strong economy!!! Where is the money for all the big unions going to come from if our economy tanks????? Fuel prices have doubled! Health care going down the toilet! Christians are now the minority!.....and yes I have been a Union member for the last 25 years, but I have never been more disappointed than I am now. If the unions are designed to protect everyone...Why did a NON-UNION crew of Alabama linemen get sent home after they responded to victims of super storm Sandy?....Do you think that anyone cares that they were non-union? Protect the poor and needy my ass.

Re: Potlicker

I have been a member of the Electrical Workers Union for over 22 years. I have worked non union and I know what kind of health insurance and retirement benefits you get when you work in the construction trades. The benefits are next to none. Dont get me started about the A** Kissing that goes on trying to get more pay on these non union jobs. At least on a Union Job they have a pay scale that is the same. Tony do you think because the Republicans dont like trade unions that people should go along with them and give up their benefits and pay to work non union for less money and no benefits for the benefit of the RICH? The Union negotiated our retirement health insurance benefit and I pay into a plan so that I can have retiree medical. If the company cared about their employees they would offer the same thing to the non union employees in the company, but if you are a VP in the company making a 6 or 7 figure salary you get retiree medical. So do you really think that is right. The good old Republicans love to keep the working man down just so they can fatten their buddies accounts. If you think there is a trickle down affect in these big companies you have drank the kool aide. If you cant remember the cost of gas when DUMBYA was in office you have definitely drank from the memory loss kool aid bowl that Mitt drank from. He said HE BELIEVED IN AMERICA but he thinks everyone drank that kool aid and forgot that HE INVESTED IN CHINA.

Re: Potlicker

I can't with certainty say that the local you are involved in does or doesn't make foreign investments. But rest assured that there is a ton of union monies invested in other countries. So for you to attack foreign investment is foolish and beyond drinking the koolaid rhetoric. You are investing in retirement and health insurance for your later years which I commend but don't think for a moment that your union heads just like the upper non union mangements or worried because theirs have been taken care of as well by your contributions. Looks like to me if monies paid in were invested wisely and trickled down to the workers instead of being spent on campaigns the union workers would be in better shape. I think I'm correct in saying that the unions spent close to 500 million on campaign adds this last election cycle.
We all need to face the facts just like government the unions are corrupt and will only get worse until the membership holds management accountable.