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its coming

I was by a guy that traps and catchs coyotes now this guy told me sometimes he kills them sometimes he sells them to a guy that sells them to you pen owners he ask me what we do with them I told him we excersize our dogs with them then he told me a christian lady from church asked him if we turn 50 head of dogs on them just to kill them I told him we don't he said the lady found this out at church group with just women folks its all we need for them to find and we will be like florida and other places I just thought I would let know happy hunting hope yall have some good running

Re: its coming

Only thing I can say to that is that we hold a benefit field trial every year with the help of my church group that helps fund what I am doing at this very moment. Sitting on a deer stand with a disabled kid trying to get him to shoot a buck. I don't think we have anything to hide from anybody as long as we are doing the right things. I'm a lot more embarrassed about all the complaining and sore losers that we have today than about the fact that a church group knows what we do. It doesn't make a difference if its a church group or not that knows what we do. It's about what we are doing to make it better, not worse. At the end of the day, times are changing. It's up to us whether or not we make it easy for them or not. I for one love to see the benefit hunts and all the help that is given through fox pens. All on how you look at it I guess.

Re: its coming

But the peoblem JoJo is 90% is about money with no taxes collected!!