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Eric Emerson/Ted Steel

What about them Blue Jays (NOW)

Re: Eric Emerson/Ted Steel

Dancing in the streets all across Canada, in spite of -30 temps.
Hope this trade looks as good at season's end as it looks now. Might even look bad in 3-4 years but Jays had to do something. Pretty sour bunch of Canuck baseball fans after last year.
Reyes is fragile; Johnson is fragile and only signed for one more year; Beuhrle has a LOT of innings on the old left arm. I believe Hechevarria is a real player; Marsinick and Nicolino have a lot of upside. This trade may not be as lop-sided as most portray it.
However, Reyes, Bonafacio,Gose, Davis, Isturis and Lawrie could provide a lot of interesting baseball. Hope they sign Whitey Herzog as new manager. Team could resemble Whitey's St. Louis track teams or the old Expos of Raines, Scott, Leflore and Andre (minus the cocaine, we hope) Sick and tired of two walks and wait-for-a-homer baseball. Bill James is given credit for this 'new' philosophy, but it was Stengel and Weaver who proved it works. It is effective,but it is boring to watch. Give me Lopez' go-go Sox; the 60's Dodgers with Wills, Davis and Gilliam or almost any ST. Louis team from the 60's, 70's or 80's.

Re: Eric Emerson/Ted Steel

Whitey, If Cards are done with Lance Berkman, hope AA has a few pennies left over to sign him. DH would work well for him, occasionally spelling Edwin at first. He's a left-hand bat with some pop and he gets on base. Biggest Jay failure on offense was Jose and Encarnacion were the only ones getting on base regularly and Jose was gone for a lot of the year.
Would also love to see Jays sign the Yankees puke-faced rf. Can't stand him in pin-stripes, but he gets on base. Don't know, though, if Rogers has enough cable fees left in the cookie jar to do it.

Re: Eric Emerson/Ted Steel

Hey Whitey----Eric said it best--We are estatic!! No hockey in America as yet and looks like there will not be. Can't wait for spring training! Training hard for the Masters--See Ya there.