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Lost walker hound in Ontario Canada

My name is Tashia and I live in the Barrie area of Ontario. I have
Found a hound with the numbers 191 on both
Sides of his body they look to be dyed or colored
Onto the hair. He was almost dead when I found
Him as he had a bad head injury and he was very skinny
Maybe been lost for a long time. He is a beautiful
Dog I was able to get him help and now he is doing well
Would anybody have any info on him. He is intact no collar
About 3-4 years old nice looking dog. Please call me
At 905-758-2481. Thank you

Re: Lost walker hound in Ontario Canada


Re: Lost walker hound in Ontario Canada

A little suspicious to be posting this now. Why not post when you found the dog?

Possibly hit by a car and left for dead?

Re: Lost walker hound in Ontario Canada

We think he is possibly an American dog. Not a lot of hunting games
In this area. Possibly he was hit by a car. Or ran away
And got lost and was hit. Not looking at it being
A crime. Just with th way he is numbered is more
Popular there. I'm pretty sure he is a hunting dog
Or is a dog used in the hunting games. What exactly
Do the dogs do in the game and what does the number
Mean? That would help us out.

This was not meant to be suspicious however
Meant to be helpful and maybe get some kind of
Info. If you guys feel that way then we won't
Bother asking or looking for help from the people
Who know a little about the numbering and sport.. Pretty sad
To see people from a organization that are supposed
To care for their dogs only worry about themselves
Because they think this is "Suspicious" even
If it were cruelty we can't convict an American.

If you feel this is out to get somebody then don't bother
Replying. Simple enough.

If you would like this post deleted give me a number or email to
Call and I will ask for deletion.

Re: Lost walker hound in Ontario Canada

Quote "If it were cruelty we can't convict an American."


Re: Lost walker hound in Ontario Canada

Any authority in Canada.

Re: Lost walker hound in Ontario Canada

What makes you think authorities in Canada could not charge Americans?

If a Canadian goes to the US and commits a crime they get charged. Same for Americans in Canada.

Also, you never answered why you didn't post this as soon as you found the dog. That is very odd. If the dog was stolen or lost theowner would have liked to know about it right away, especially since it was hurt.

Re: Lost walker hound in Ontario Canada

You answered your own question. You would have
To be in Canada or vice versa to be charged. The SPCA are looking for information
About where this dog came from.

Secondly this was plastered all over the news for a week.
There was no response or any information from the public.
We had no idea that this master board existed until one of
Your teammates said we should should post a
Add on here for people to see and maybe we might find
An owner. There is no suspicion or oddness about
This. If you cannot be helpful why are you bothering
To reply.

Thirdly if my dog were lost and I never did see it
On the news I would sure hope that people like
Myself would reach out and look to see if ppl from
Other organizations new or heard anything.

I wish I would not of confided into one of your
Members as he was wrong about the support this group would be.

Iam done in asking for any help from this site. I'm not going to
Argue over why and how come.

You can reply but there will not be anymore replies
From myself.

Re: Lost walker hound in Ontario Canada

Plastered all over what news? If you thought it was an American dog what good would that do? Surely you are more intelligent than that.

The whole post reaks of baiting to me.

Re: Lost walker hound in Ontario Canada

HI tasha this hound was more than certainly STOLEN and given a ride then dumped out and the owner is more than likely still looking for his dog I just read the article is the Toronto sun
first the dog is not freeze branded as you are implying in the article the number is on there with bleach the same bleach that women use to lighten their hair and is absolutely harmless to the dog NO THE DOG IS NOT BRANDED if it was how would the guy change his number on the dog for his next hunt
as far as any injury that the dog may have received it more than likely happened after the dog was dumped out more than likely forty miles from where the owner lives as if it was close to home the dog would have gone home this is an ongoing problem we have with anti hunters they steel the dog take his collar with a name plate on it and turf the poor dog out in unfamiliar country and they end up dead on the road or some one turns them into the humain society but I am not telling you something you don't already know
you should be trying to get this hound back to its owner not running a three ring circus in the media but then the OSPCA would not get any publicity or generate any donations doing that would they

Re: Lost walker hound in Ontario Canada

Here is a picture of the hound that was posted online. It would probably be a little hard to recognize but maybe someone out there is looking for it.

It also appears that "Tashia" who started this thread is actually "Constable Netashia McLellan" with the Ontario SPCA. That seems like something that should have been stated upfront but since I have always heard that politics ends at the border I will leave it to the Canadians to criticize Canadian officials for their suspicious behavior.

Here are the links to the stories about this hound on thestar.com and examiner.com as well as a press release from the Ontario SPCA.

TheStar Article

Examiner Article

Ontario SPCA Press Release

My personal appeal to all you Canadians is that you send us a sample of this powerful veterinary medicine that you guys have been hiding. All reports from the OSPCA were that the hound was at death's door on Sunday November 4th and yet the hound was healthy enough for a media circus on Thursday November 8th. That is a remarkable recovery.

Also, to the women of Canada who wish to change the color of your hair:
Please do not freeze brand your heads! It is much easier to buy a cheap bottle of Clairol.

And what is it that makes all the stark raving lunatics and complete idiots in the world grow up to be journalists and animal rights activists?