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Posting Judges Scores

I think it goes back to be man enough to stand by what you scored and be held accountable for those scores. I havent like turning in scores and using the computer since a judge doesnt have to call out in front of his peers what he witnessed in the field. I see NO problem posting what I scored or scratched during a field trial and if you do looks like you have something to hide or embarrassed at what you done the passed 3 days. And as a hunter this would clear up some of the accusations of certain judges padding dogs. Just my opionion...

Re: Posting Judges Scores

Hal totally agree with you. The truth will always set you free. Until the Nat'l understands this they will be in a declining position.
Never been to many Masters hunts their rules are different but their vision is straight and clear I give them that

Re: Posting Judges Scores

The National rules do not say the scores have to be kept from the public. While the hunt is going on those scores are to be viewed by the Master of hounds only. As soon as the hunt is over, the scores and who scored belongs to the association, who can let anyone they want to view them. I talked to a Masters high up and they have no problem with that. Those scores can be entered into that Masters program and will reveal any funny business. Then it should be the job of the directors to not invite the judges that are found guilty, or any other action they choose. We don't need a lynch mob.

Re: Posting Judges Scores

i believe if i understood this correctly at one of the masters meetings since the judges have stepped up to the plate on posting there scores that if a hunter approached a judge in an un-sportsman like manner that this could also go before the diciplinary committee??????????????????

Re: Posting Judges Scores

" I also agree to abide by any modifications issued by associations affiliated with the Masters. I further agree to abide by any and all notices issued by the Master of Hounds. I agree to conduct myself as a gentleman and sportsman while attending the Masters or any hunt affiliated with the Masters. I understand that any misconduct on my part will be evaluated by a disciplinary committee and that I may be placed on probation, fined or suspended from further competition. "