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Looking for Admir for Flea control

Looking for Admir for Fleas! does anyone know where I can get it?

Re: Looking for Admir for Flea control

Go to SpeedDogs website & see the, ad on front page for Johnson's Hound Supplies! Call Wally, he can help you!

Allan Bishop
(Jabber Jaw)

Re: Looking for Admir for Flea control

Will Do Thanks..

Re: Looking for Admir for Flea control

David Bailey has some stuff that is a lot like Admire but I actually like it better, I believe it is deadly on ticks also and the admire is not. I used admire for years but in the past 6 to 8 months I have used the stuff that David has and it is great!!

Re: Looking for Admir for Flea control

Call Elton Paul for Flea control he got the best I have every use I have use this for 20 or 25 years: His # 1-501-337-3986 !