
Official Website of the Foxhunters Hall of Fame

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Re: 2013 Hall of Fame Nominees

I'm not sure when nominations start either, but I would like to make a nomination or two.
1) Dale Parker of Ludowici, ga. He has hunted and judged all over the United States in all major hunts and any other kind of hunt right down to puppy hunts. Always has a good attitude and willing to teach younger hunters about rules. He has hunted since before I was born and I'm 30.

2) Victor Royal Of Georgia. He has mastered hunts all over the country including national and master hunts. He has also served as president over the Georgia state at least twice. He is friendly to the hunters, fellow judges, and will work hard to get on top of the dogs. He comes from a family of hunters and judges that have grown up supporting the sport of field trailing. Every where he goes from fl to va he is well respected.

3) Dean McCranie of Georgia. He is definitely one of the toughest competitors that I have ever competed against. When he shows up, no matter where it is, he is the won to beat. He is a good sportsman. Friendly to all at the hunts and one hell of a hounds man.

4) Bub Moody of Bacley, Ga. Owner of united fox pen in swainsboro. Great hounds man and sportsman. He has an eye for a pup and a hound and willing o do what it takes to make things right and people happy. I know he learned so much of how to be who he is from another great man and friend....his dad.

5). Randy Frasier of Louisiana. He is one sports model with an amazing breeding program, wonderful personality, and a great fras bro shuffle lol! The most open and friendliest and godliness people I have the pleasure of knowing and getting to call a friend. Not only is he there for people for fox hunting and hound issues but he is also there when people just need to talk. His sincerity, sportsmanship, heart, and kindness definitely makes him a hall of famer!

God bless

Bobby smith
High voltage kennels

Re: 2013 Hall of Fame Nominees

Well ladies and gents For deceased i would like to nominate a very good friend of mine Mr. Bubba Taylor !!! He passed away a few months back and well in my opinion, we as foxhunters lost out on one of the nicest and great men that loved what this sport is suppose to be all about!!! He loved kids and always tried to get them involved!!! He loved Fellowship as any that knew him would let you know!!! He loved this sport as I don't know how many times he got operated on and even with strict doctors order not too do anything !!! He loaded up a truck full of hounds and went to either a hunt to fellowship or just go listen to a pack cry that sweet music !!! I and i am sure many would appreciate the consideration of Mr. Bubba Taylor!!!!Thanks ,God bless and happy Hunting/Running!!!

Re: 2013 Hall of Fame Nominees

Had the pleasure of getting to eet mr bubba before. He was a great man!

Re: 2013 Hall of Fame Nominees

I`d like to nominate Mr. Wendell Phillips. Mr. Wendell sure did love them July dogs. He was a good man and a good friend.

Re: 2013 Hall of Fame Nominees

Mr randy is one of the best sport I know

Re: 2013 Hall of Fame Nominees

Spanky i'm with you on this one, Mr. Bubba was a good man.
Seem's like nobody is talking to much about the HOF much these days.
OK new gaurds of the Masters what are yall gonna do?


Re: 2013 Hall of Fame Nominees

I know a bunch of very deserving people for the hof. To me 4 men that should be at the top of everyone's list are Leon Canoy, John Hoehner, Robbie Bogue, Danny Morris. The contributions these men have made to the dogs we run today are unquestionably. It would be good to see Leon and Robbie get in this year since the banquet will be so close to their home. Both are getting up in age and have experienced health problems. I don't know how many can get in each year but there are many deserving people. If we look back in years to come and don't see John Hoehner's name on the list well it just wouldn't be the HOF. Several other men that come to mind travel the country to make sure we have good hunts. All of them at least in most people's eyes have unquestionably character and they are Clyde Sutton, Ken Ezell, Larry Ethridge. We can't have the hunts without these judges that give up there time. There are many more those are some that came to mind first. They have certainly been important to our sport.

Re: 2013 Hall of Fame Nominees

DON DUBOSE, the original "FOX HUNTER"

Re: 2013 Hall of Fame Nominees


Re: 2013 Hall of Fame Nominees

yes ole don has wallow around a many a nites on his dog box and had some dang good fox races. on the outside i may add. best thing about him is what you see is what you get. dam good man

Re: 2013 Hall of Fame Nominees

Bill Borum is my nomination

Re: 2013 Hall of Fame Nominees

I know everyone looks out for there state or who they know. There is only 1 name who stickes out in louisiana and it aint no rain shower or whatever that gyps name was it is THE SAWBRIAR the Charles Blalock of Quitman this man has won it for he has helped whoever has wanted to try and has probably more stud pups across the nation than anyone else look at your papers this man has been putting dogs on paper for years!!!!!!! HALL OF FAME to me aint how u place but how u help keep our sport going. BE hunting for years this man is gold he breeds renos not that doped up hurricanes.

Re: 2013 Hall of Fame Nominees

Jerry Martin won his first 3-day hunt in the 1940's and has been field trialing for parts of 8 decades. He has won nearly 50 championships and isn't finished yet.

Re: 2013 Hall of Fame Nominees

i would like to add rev. ben joyner to the deceased list of hunters. brother ben help with a many of field trial in northwest louiana and hunted with the likes of hinkel schilling and tommy ray dowden. he had at lease two stud dogs back there in the horn. he love a good wolf race. my last race with him was just outside mansfield, la at the stanley community. he was a very good hunter and man of god. rev. ben had joyner vance at stud during the early 1970 and gus genty before those years. i ran with vance, he had a good mouth and could run a wolf. i can still hear him comeing across those open hills in behind the old store at stanley.