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Guys with site hounds and not real hounds

I was just wondering what kind of excitement people with stags or greyhounds have by watching a dog that faster than a yote catch it in the open and then brag about it if a dog cant jump a yote run a yote and catch a yote without haveing a stag or greyhound catch it for them in the open they need to invest in some real hounds iam tired of people blowen on site dogs sure aint much sport in dumpn on yotes what happened to the good ol days where people had good ol coyote hound and not junk grey hounds or stags that couldnt smell a 5sec ol track.

Re: Guys with site hounds and not real hounds

I stongly agree and I have noticed here over the last 10 years there is a lot of hunters running there hounds like greyhounds. They want to brag about how many yotes they catch by dumping them like greyhounds. When you catch a yote running the yote down without dumping on him then you can brag!

Re: Guys with site hounds and not real hounds

Curios just be happy that they run dogs and enjoy what they do. It doesn't matter how they do it as long as they put hounds on the ground running something. If you are real tired of it man up and put your name on hear. What is the problem is men who run dogs having problems with other men not hunting the way they do. We all need to support each other because if we can't get along with each other how can we fight people who don't run dogs

Re: Guys with site hounds and not real hounds

A lot of things you need to take in consideration. I run "real" hounds, but have had staghounds in the past, I used them in area you couldn't run a hound such as section close to interstate, sandy dry areas that no hound could smell, as far as that goes most of the staghounds belong to people who live in desert type terrain where a hound cant smell and coyotes prey on there livestock. as far as them being junk because they cant smell, I don't think so. most don't want them to track, it just makes them harder to get up. either catch it or get back to the truck. so when used for there purpose I think many consider them real hounds. I would rather run walkers all day than a stag for 30 seconds, but to bash another man sport when its obvious you have no clue is foolish, what about all these guys calling in your yotes and blasting them? makes you and I mad but it is there sport.

Re: Guys with site hounds and not real hounds

Iam not saying its not a sport iam just saying theirs no sport in running a yote with a hound that is much faster than a yote and as far as iam concernd callin in a yote takes a little skill but i dont like people that shoot em either and like i said no one in their right mind would turn a good hound loose by a interstate so if they use greyhound or a stag hound they aint loosin much if it gets ran over makes sense to me thanks oh by the way do u live in the desert cause most hounds can smell a yote unless its just a **** pour day for smellin conditions

Re: Guys with site hounds and not real hounds

Jason iam just fed up with people bragging on dogs that run 200a yards and catch iam just sayn how can someone be proud of that i didnt mean to upset anybody i was just stateing the facts its kinda like taken adeer at 400yards with a high powered rifle and then whispering cause he thinks the deer can hear him some people amaze me thanks for your opinion jason my name is curtis

Re: Guys with site hounds and not real hounds

Explain to me if he takes the deer and then whispers why would he do that because the deer is already dead lol jus sayin

Re: Guys with site hounds and not real hounds

Just watch a deer huntin show guessing u have not watched many deer hunting shows

Re: Guys with site hounds and not real hounds

what does it matter if you run sight hounds,trail hounds, or poodles? im pretty sure a person can run whatever they want. if you dont like it well tough ****!

Re: Guys with site hounds and not real hounds

Jordan he wasn't saying anything about it being wrong running with sight hounds he was saying how they brag about how many catch. I understand what he is saying if you have a hound thats twice as fast a yote and you dump on him where there isnt a tree for 2 miles and then you brag. That is nothing to brag about, hell I could probably run one down if there was 2 miles without a tree.

Re: Guys with site hounds and not real hounds

You should try it!!!!! Wats the difference between talking bout how many people catch and all the crap I see on here fast dogs track dogs both!!! Top speed coyote 45mph top speed stag 45 mph. Twice as fast no. Lets look into something more important like coyote hunters rights!!!!!!!

Re: Guys with site hounds and not real hounds

thats funny

Re: Guys with site hounds and not real hounds

I enjoy both sight hounds and trail hounds and enjoy watching them work how they are breed. I prefer trail hounds but I will never tell another person what or how he should or be able to hunt his hounds. As far as bragging they should be proud of their dogs if they do what they want them to.

Re: Guys with site hounds and not real hounds

1. Cheetah (Speed in mph :70 )

The cheetah is the fastest member of the cat family and is unique because what it lacks in climbing abilities it makes up for in speed and stealth. The cheetah is the fastest of all land animals and can reach speeds between 112 kilometres per hour (70 mph) and 120 kilometres per hour (75 mph) in short bursts up to 460 metres (500 yd). The cheetah's ability to accelerate is unmatched. The animal can easily accelerate from 0 to 110 kilometres per hour (68 mph) in three seconds, faster than most supercars.

2. Pronghorn Antelope (Speed in mph :61 )

The Pronghorn Antelope's exceptional speed is necessary in order to evade predators by outrunning them. The animal is considered to be the fastest animal in the new world. The top speed is very hard to measure accurately and it varies between individuals, however the animal has been clocked at 61mph. It is often cited as the second-fastest land animal with the Cheetah being the fastest. The animal can sustain these speeds much longer than a cheetah due to its larger heart and lungs. these animals are poor jumpers.

3. Wildebeest (Speed in mph :50 )

The Wildebeest is another animal that relies on its speed to evade predators. These animals are favorites of the big cats as they inhabit the plains and open woodlands of Africa. They are most plentiful in the Serengeti and can live more than 20 years.

4. Lion (Speed in mph :50 )

The king of bests doesn't often use his speed when hunting because the lioness does the majority of the hunting. Those Lions without a pride use clever stealth and speed to catch their prey. Males can exceed 550lbs, making it the second largest living cat after the tiger. Wild lions can only be found in sub-Saharan Africa, Asia and a small population in northwest India.

5. Thomson's Gazelle (Speed in mph :50 )

Named after explorer Joseph Thompson, the Thompson's Gazelle is one of the best known gazelles. In order to evade its main enemy, the cheetah, these animals can reach speeds of 50 mph, and can sustain longer bursts than their mortal enemy.

6. Quarterhorse (Speed in mph :47.5 )

The Quarter Horse is an exceptional sprinter deriving its name from its ability to out distance other horses in races of a quarter mile or less. The horse can achieve speeds upwards of 47 mph. This horse is the most popular breed with the United States with nearly 5 million horses registered worldwide.

7. Elk (Speed in mph :45 )

The elk is frequently considered to be the second largest species of deer in the world. It is also one of the largest mammals in North America and Easter Asia. The moose is the only animal larger. This is another animal that will use its speed to avoid predators, however due to its large size, many predators would rather not bother the animal.

8. Cape Hunting Dog (Speed in mph :45 )

These dogs use their cunning abilities and speed, while hunting in packs to focus on medium sized prey such as the impala. Sometimes, however these packs will bring down wildebeests and zebras. Their attack is coorinated and often starts with a stampede towards the pack. One dog will grab the victims tail, another the upper lip and the the remainder will disembowel the animal leaving it immobilized.

9. Coyote (Speed in mph :43 )

Coyotes use their speed to hunt small mammals such as rabbits, mice, squirrels, deer and live stock. The animal is highly carnivorous, however very versatile and will eat whatever is available depending on the season.

10. Gray Fox (Speed in mph :42 )

The gray fox is a solitary hunter that will eat meat and greens frequently. They use their speed and stealth to hunt rabbits, however also catch voles, mice, shrews and birds. The fox rounds out its diet with a generous helping of whatever fruits they find as well as vegetables.

The Rest
11. Hyena (Speed in mph :40 )
12. Zebra (Speed in mph :40 )
13. Mongolian Wild Ass (Speed in mph :40 )
14. Greyhound (Speed in mph :39.35 )
15. Whippet (Speed in mph :35.5 )
16. Rabbit (Speed in mph :35 )
17. Mule Deer (Speed in mph :35 )
18. Jackal (Speed in mph :35 )
19. Reindeer (Speed in mph :32 )
20. Giraffe (Speed in mph :32 )

Donovan Bailey
The top speed of humans was clocked at 27 mph by Olympic sprinters Michael Johnson and Donovan Bailey during their Olympic competitions. At top speed, which only lasts for very short bursts, the human ranks around number 30 and is preceded by the White Tailed Deer, the Wart Hog, the Grizzly Bear and the cat to name a few. It must be further noted that the average top speed of an in shape male human being is between 15-18 mph.

Michael Johnson on Right
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Re: Guys with site hounds and not real hounds

Everyone knows that Greyhounds are faster than Coyotes, oh wait no they are not.
Coyote 43mph
Greyhound 39.35mph

Catching a coyote with Greyhound may not be as easy as most people think, it is a lot easer to sit and listen to dog trail a yote all day and then say, well that one got away.

Trailing or catching, I know which one I would rather do!!!!!!!!!

Re: Guys with site hounds and not real hounds

Ability in both cases of hounds. You training and their ability to get it done. I have hunted both ways and enjoyed the heck out of both. Don't knock it, til you've tried it.

Re: Guys with site hounds and not real hounds


Re: Guys with site hounds and not real hounds

Bill you are right, both are fun. I have seen GREAT athletes in both

Re: Guys with site hounds and not real hounds

My thoughts exactly!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Guys with site hounds and not real hounds

I really don't see much difference in shooting a deer over a pile of corn or a hog under a feeder. We are all hunters and we do what we like. So suck it up and enjoy it while you can.