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Valentine idea

My oldest sister who lives in the Baton Rouge area has just recently been let go from the company she has been working for the past three years. She was making a good income and just out of no where the company was forced to down size. On the side she markets a product that she invented called Fujii Mama! It is a lotion that helps prevent stretch marks for pregnant women. It is at ground level and has only been used by three women with 100% success rate. Since it has hit the market she has been informed by consumers of other successful uses of her product. Feedback has told her such uses as great for dry cracking heels from wearing dress shoes, eczema, cysts just under the skin, after shave in sensitive areas etc. I can't wait to try it on my dogs feet during the hot dry summer. Go to fujiimama.com buy a tub of it along with whatever else your getting for Valentines day, rub your wife/girlfriends feet and then apply this special lotion to them. You can thank me later. I guarantee she's never heard of the stuff because its brand new, and she's going to be impressed that you put so much thought into making her day special. Please inform me if you did get the product and all feedback will be greatly appreciated. Thank you for helping my big sister 👼

Re: Valentine idea

Sorry, I typed from my phone and the lettering is so small I spelled my own name wrong. lol